Victorian Antique Watercolours

Found 951 For Sale and Sold    ( 281 for sale  670 sold )  
Beautiful Miniature Painting After Boucher Courtin£485 $625.21   €577.97 Beautiful Miniature Painting After Boucher CourtinRams Head Antiques Victorian Butterfly Watercolour In Maple Frame  Victorian Butterfly Watercolour In Maple FrameHobson May Collection A Quiet Study 1886£125 $161.14   €148.96 A Quiet Study 1886Westbank Antiques Victorian Watercolour Portrait Of A Military Offic  Victorian Watercolour Portrait Of A Military OfficPrometheus Antiques
Pollok S.Nisbet ARSA Moonlit Landscape WaterColour  Pollok S.Nisbet ARSA Moonlit Landscape WaterColourStudio RT Ltd 6 Chinese Pith Watercolours Beautifully Framed£720 $928.15   €858.02 6 Chinese Pith Watercolours Beautifully FramedDecoris Fine Art Rosabella Drummond, Oil On Canvas£1750 $2255.93   €2085.48 Rosabella Drummond, Oil On CanvasAylmer Fine Art Victorian View Of The Vale Of Radnor  Victorian View Of The Vale Of RadnorPrometheus Antiques
Victorian Botanical Watercolour In Maple Frame  Victorian Botanical Watercolour In Maple FrameHobson May Collection A Pair Of Framed Miniature Watercolours, C1890£325 $418.96   €387.3 A Pair Of Framed Miniature Watercolours, C1890Curious Antiques Three 19th Century Framed Miniatures, C1850£445 $573.65   €530.31 Three 19th Century Framed Miniatures, C1850Curious Antiques Hendrik Leys  Tavern Scene Watercolour£230 $296.49   €274.09 Hendrik Leys Tavern Scene WatercolourChapman Antiques
Watercolour, C19th, Signed Arden (Tucker), 66cm£195 $251.37   €232.38 Watercolour, C19th, Signed Arden (Tucker), 66cmJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Canna Iridiflora Ehemanni Chromolithograph. 1871£165 $212.7   €196.63 Canna Iridiflora Ehemanni Chromolithograph. 1871Greystones Fine Interiors The Blackbirds Chromolithograph Cassell 1880£135 $174.03   €160.88 'The Blackbirds' Chromolithograph Cassell 1880Greystones Fine Interiors Cannes Regatta 1877, Lt William Henn, Yacht Minnie  Cannes Regatta 1877, Lt William Henn, Yacht MinnieAntique Rarities
Superb Huge Antique Chinese Bird Painting Art  Superb Huge Antique Chinese Bird Painting ArtCotswold House Antiques Huge Antique Chinese Painting Manchurian Cranes   Huge Antique Chinese Painting Manchurian Cranes Cotswold House Antiques Huge Chinese Oriental Wall Paper Painting Cranes   Huge Chinese Oriental Wall Paper Painting Cranes Cotswold House Antiques Huge Chinese Oriental Wall Paper Painting C.1890  Huge Chinese Oriental Wall Paper Painting C.1890Cotswold House Antiques
Huge Oriental Wall Paper Paintings Of Bird C.1890   Huge Oriental Wall Paper Paintings Of Bird C.1890 Cotswold House Antiques Huge Rare Chinese Bird Wall Painting Panel Qing  Huge Rare Chinese Bird Wall Painting Panel QingCotswold House Antiques Chinese / Oriental Wall Paper Panel Bird Painting  Chinese / Oriental Wall Paper Panel Bird PaintingCotswold House Antiques Huge Chinese Oriental Bird Painting Late Qing  Huge Chinese Oriental Bird Painting Late QingCotswold House Antiques
Rare Chinese / Oriental Bird Wall Paper Paintings  Rare Chinese / Oriental Bird Wall Paper PaintingsCotswold House Antiques 19th-Century French School Miniature£275 $354.5   €327.72 19th-Century French School MiniatureBrave Fine Art Superb Set Of Four Victorian Miniatures  Superb Set Of Four Victorian MiniaturesPrometheus Antiques A Lovely Watercolour Painting J.Lynas Grey C 1890£295 $380.28   €351.55 A Lovely Watercolour Painting J.Lynas Grey C 1890Those Were The Days