Scottish Antique Oil Paintings
Found 333 For Sale and Sold ( 101 for sale 232 sold )
$397.64 €386
Alfred Allan St Monans Oil Painting FifeAffordable Arts
Still Life Oil Painting, Helen F ClydeWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
$1162.33 €1128.32
The Trossachs FE JamiesonJohn Nicholson Fine Art
Landscape Oil Painting By James G H SpindlerPrometheus Antiques
$1468.2 €1425.24
Watercolour Rainbow Trout Fish By Ralston GudgeonCheshire Antiques Consultant
$3609.33 €3503.72
Oil Painting Hunting Man 4 Lurcher Dogs HighlandsCheshire Antiques Consultant
Scottish Oil Painting JedburghMillers Antiques Of Wooler
Oil Painting By Duncan Fraser Mclea Urquhart CastleWalton House Antiques
$2936.4 €2850.48
Oil Painting Windmill By Helen Monroe TurnerCheshire Antiques Consultant
Dog Oil Painting Of A Pointer By Thomas PatersonPrometheus Antiques
Dog Oil Painting Of A Red Setter By Tom PatersonPrometheus Antiques
Dog Oil Painting Of A Sussex Spaniel By Tom PatersonPrometheus Antiques
Loch Awe Oil Painting By MorrisPrometheus Antiques
Oil Painting By Sidney Yates Johnson "Highland Landscape"Walton House Antiques
$727.98 €706.68
Scottish Oil On Canvass Snow SceneCarse Antiques
$1651.73 €1603.4
Victorian Oil Painting Robert Watson 1856-1920 Rams Head Antiques
$1651.73 €1603.4
Victorian Oil Painting Robert WatsonRams Head Antiques
$2447 €2375.4
Oil Painting Medieval Ruin Dunnottar Castle Cheshire Antiques Consultant
$1095.03 €1062.99
Loch Ness F E JamiesonJohn Nicholson Fine Art
$5505.75 €5344.65
Scottish Moor Oil Painting By Sir James Wingate Cheshire Antiques Consultant
Highland Cattle Painting By Daniel SherrinWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
$948.21 €920.47
2 X Victorian Oil Paintings - Scottish HighlandsMarylebone Antiques
$1529.38 €1484.63
Mary Cameron. Feeding Time Study Of Three Rabbits.CJ Miller Antiques
$2263.48 €2197.25
The Circus Jamie O'DeaJohn Nicholson Fine Art
$825.86 €801.7
Edwin Sherwood Calvert. (1844-1898) CJ Miller Antiques
$2202.3 €2137.86
Victorian Oil Painting Scottish Highlands GlencoeCheshire Antiques Consultant
$4098.73 €3978.8
Highland Cattle Oil Painting By Robert WatsonWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
$2306.3 €2238.81
Attributed To John Moir. ( Scottish 1776 - 1857 ) CJ Miller Antiques