Early Victorian Antique Metalware

Found 122 For Sale and Sold    ( 36 for sale  86 sold )  
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Massive Pewter Meat Charger£200 $257.82   €238.34 Massive Pewter Meat ChargerSmiths Vintage Victorian Brass Fruit Bowl Or Grape Dish£145 $186.92   €172.8 Victorian Brass Fruit Bowl Or Grape DishMiddletons Antiques Pair Of Early 19th.C Toleware Decanter Coasters£375.00 $483.41   €446.89 Pair Of Early 19th.C Toleware Decanter CoastersHarveys Antiques Victorian Brass And Tin Lined Tea Caddy£25 $32.23   €29.79 Victorian Brass And Tin Lined Tea CaddyTom Scott Antiques
Pair Of 19th. Century Brass And Steel Horse Hames £85.00 $109.57   €101.29 Pair Of 19th. Century Brass And Steel Horse Hames Harveys Antiques Copper Log Bin £445 $573.65   €530.31 Copper Log Bin Merchant House Antiques Fine Pair Of Hardman Brass Ecclesiastical Vases   Fine Pair Of Hardman Brass Ecclesiastical Vases Paul Michael Farnham Large Copper Jug And Wash Basin  Large Copper Jug And Wash BasinPrometheus Antiques
Fine & Rare 19th Century Scottish Box Iron£395 $509.19   €470.72 Fine & Rare 19th Century Scottish Box IronCarse Antiques Copper And Brass Hot Water Urn  Copper And Brass Hot Water UrnWalcot And Co Early Victorian Gilded Brass Table Gong. Complete£195 $251.37   €232.38 Early Victorian Gilded Brass Table Gong. CompleteCarse Antiques Victorian Lions Paw Doorstop Or Door Porter C1840£285 $367.39   €339.63 Victorian Lion's Paw Doorstop Or Door Porter C1840Puckerings Antiques
Victorian Antique Cast Iron Door Porter. JB8  Victorian Antique Cast Iron Door Porter. JB8Prichard Antiques Antique English Candlestick Postal Scale C.1840£285 $367.39   €339.63 Antique English Candlestick Postal Scale C.1840Puckerings Antiques Magnificent Antique English Figural Door Stop £295 $380.28   €351.55 Magnificent Antique English Figural Door Stop Puckerings Antiques Set Of Three Heavy Victorian Brass Saucepans£85 $109.57   €101.29 Set Of Three Heavy Victorian Brass SaucepansCarse Antiques And Restoration
Set Of Three Heavy Victorian Copper Saucepans£100 $128.91   €119.17 Set Of Three Heavy Victorian Copper SaucepansCarse Antiques And Restoration Set Of Four Victorian Oval Pewter Platters  Set Of Four Victorian Oval Pewter PlattersPrometheus Antiques Early Victorian Dovetailed Copper Pan. C. 1850£135 $174.03   €160.88 Early Victorian Dovetailed Copper Pan. C. 1850Carse Antiques And Restoration 19th C. Cast Iron Lions Paw Door Porter Door Stop  19th C. Cast Iron Lion's Paw Door Porter Door StopStudio RT Ltd
19th C. Cast Iron Crouching Lion Door Porter/ Stop  19th C. Cast Iron Crouching Lion Door Porter/ StopStudio RT Ltd Large Lion Boot Scraper£465.00 $599.43   €554.14 Large Lion Boot ScraperWoodys Antiques Large French Copper Cauldron Log Bin Planter  Large French Copper Cauldron Log Bin PlanterYola Gray Antiques Chinese Tea Pot 1830-1840 Qing Dynasty.£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Chinese Tea Pot 1830-1840 Qing Dynasty.Aberdeen Antique Centre
Antique Wrought Iron Boot Scraper  Antique Wrought Iron Boot ScraperMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques Early  Victorian Brass Footman Trivet V. Heavy  Early Victorian Brass Footman Trivet V. HeavyStudio RT Ltd Victorian Brass Telescopic Toasting Fork£36 $46.41   €42.9 Victorian Brass Telescopic Toasting ForkAfonwen Antique Centre Boot Pull Shoe Mud Foot Scraper Cast Iron£195.00 $251.37   €232.38 Boot Pull Shoe Mud Foot Scraper Cast IronLondon Fine Antiques
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