Early Victorian Antique Metalware

Found 122 For Sale and Sold    ( 36 for sale  86 sold )  
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Victorian Door Stop Mr Punch£295 $380.28   €351.55 Victorian Door Stop Mr PunchFernyhough Antiques Sale On. Antique Pewter Tankards£65.00 $83.79   €77.46 Sale On. Antique Pewter TankardsBarnhill Trading Co. 3 Antique Pewter Measures£75.00 $96.68   €89.38 3 Antique Pewter MeasuresBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Pewter Tea Pot£135.00 $174.03   €160.88 Antique Pewter Tea PotBarnhill Trading Co.
Antique Pewter Coffee Pot£135.00 $174.03   €160.88 Antique Pewter Coffee PotBarnhill Trading Co. Two Tall Victorian Brass Jugs£150.00 $193.37   €178.76 Two Tall Victorian Brass JugsHarveys Antiques 19th C. Cast Iron Drinking Man Door Porter/Stop   £75.00 $96.68   €89.38 19th C. Cast Iron Drinking Man Door Porter/Stop Studio RT Ltd Pair OF Bronze Horses£245 $315.83   €291.97 Pair OF Bronze HorsesMichael Allcroft Antiques
 Sweet 19th C. Miniature Copper Kettle.£110 $141.8   €131.09 Sweet 19th C. Miniature Copper Kettle.Michael Allcroft Antiques Early Victorian Copper Pan  Early Victorian Copper PanSturmans Antiques Ltd Early Victorian Embossed Brass Planter  Early Victorian Embossed Brass PlanterSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique Tabletop Flower Press, English, Cast Iron£985 $1269.76   €1173.82 Antique Tabletop Flower Press, English, Cast IronLondon Fine Antiques
19th C Brass Fox Head Door Porter  19th C Brass Fox Head Door PorterPaul Doran Antiques Superb Pair Of Early Victorian Brass Jardinieres  Superb Pair Of Early Victorian Brass JardinieresSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique Decorative Charger, Turkish, Copper, Wall£575 $741.23   €685.23 Antique Decorative Charger, Turkish, Copper, WallLondon Fine Antiques Rare Matching Set Of 3 Victorian Brass Doorstops  Rare Matching Set Of 3 Victorian Brass DoorstopsSturmans Antiques Ltd
Antique Schoolmasters Hand Bell, English, Bronze£495 $638.1   €589.89 Antique Schoolmaster's Hand Bell, English, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques Antique Brass Jardiniere  Antique Brass JardiniereSturmans Antiques Ltd Large Antique Victorian Quality Brass Alms Dish£345 $444.74   €411.14 Large Antique Victorian Quality Brass Alms DishUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique German Historical Military Pewter Stein£875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Antique German Historical Military Pewter SteinRobert Belcher Antiques
A Rare Welsh Sprung Jawed Rush Light £425 $547.87   €506.47 A Rare Welsh Sprung Jawed Rush Light Mouse House Antiques Early Victorian Copper Jardiniere£295.00 $380.28   €351.55 Early Victorian Copper JardiniereKnot And Grain Antiques Antique Horse Brass Door Stop  Antique Horse Brass Door Stop A Victorian Lead Coffin Plate, City Of London 1843£390 $502.75   €464.76 A Victorian Lead Coffin Plate, City Of London 1843Rob Hall Antiques
Unusual Ornate Cast Iron Foot Scraper£295 $380.28   €351.55 Unusual Ornate Cast Iron Foot ScraperLondon City Antiques 19th Century Brass Door Porter Doorstop£200 $257.82   €238.34 19th Century Brass Door Porter DoorstopThe Antiques Hound Early Victorian 1 Gallon Copper Measure£145 $186.92   €172.8 Early Victorian 1 Gallon Copper MeasureCarse Antiques Small Victorian Copper Half Pint Measure  Small Victorian Copper Half Pint MeasureHavard And Havard
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