Benham & Froud Antique Metalware
Found 15 For Sale and Sold ( 1 for sale 14 sold )
$179.97 €174.45
Benham & Froud Gothic Brass Jug EwerLevels Antiques
$806.78 €782.02
Victorian Arts And Crafts Beaten Copper JardiniereChurch Street Antiques
$477.86 €463.19
Art Nouveau Copper PlanterChurch Street Antiques
Copper Planter For Benham And Froud By DresserArt Furniture
Arts And Crafts Benham & Froud Copper Jardiniere Celtic Antiques
$179.97 €174.45
Benham & Froud Brass Bullseye Vases Decades Of Antiques
$366.15 €354.91
Large Benham & Froud Copper Raosting PanCarse Antiques
Victorian Christopher Dresser Candlestick C1880Penrose Antiques
Dr. Christopher Dresser TrayPaul Michael Farnham
$124.12 €120.31
Rare Victorian Benham & Froud Copper Crepe PanCarse Antiques And Restoration
Arts & Crafts Copper Jardiniere. Red House Antiques
A Bun Shaped Copper Bowl By Christopher DresserAntiques And Interiors
A Copper Planter By Christopher DresserAntiques And Interiors
$211 €204.53
Georgian Coffee PotParbold Antiques
$316.51 €306.79
Arts & Crafts Copper Fern Pot- C.DresserDoe And Hope