Antique Ceramics

Found 16376 For Sale and Sold    ( 4384 for sale  11992 sold )  
Small Antique Imari Bowl, Japanese, Ceramic£275 $355.93   €327.8 Small Antique Imari Bowl, Japanese, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Large Vintage Fruit Bowl, English, Hand Painted£295 $381.82   €351.64 Large Vintage Fruit Bowl, English, Hand PaintedLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Decorative Bird Plate, Chinese£295 $381.82   €351.64 Vintage Decorative Bird Plate, ChineseLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Decorative Charger, Chinese, Ceramic£395 $511.25   €470.84 Vintage Decorative Charger, Chinese, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques
Moon Landing Plate Apollo 11 1969 £22.00 $28.47   €26.22 Moon Landing Plate Apollo 11 1969 Melbourne Antiques Royal Doulton Figurine Cheryl HN3253£65.00 $84.13   €77.48 Royal Doulton Figurine Cheryl HN3253Melbourne Antiques Royal Worcester Gilded (Metallic Patent) Handled Vase£195.00 $252.39   €232.44 Royal Worcester Gilded (Metallic Patent) Handled VaseMelbourne Antiques Coalport Limited Edition Flapper Figurine £235.00 $304.16   €280.12 Coalport Limited Edition Flapper Figurine Melbourne Antiques
Coalport Limited Edition Rhapsody Lady£285.00 $368.88   €339.72 Coalport Limited Edition Rhapsody LadyMelbourne Antiques Art Nouveau Jardinere On Stand C1895£285.00 $368.88   €339.72 Art Nouveau Jardinere On Stand C1895Celtic Antiques Antique Flower Vase, English, Ceramic, Baluster £625 $808.94   €745 Antique Flower Vase, English, Ceramic, Baluster London Fine Antiques Mintons Footbath.£240 $310.63   €286.08 Mintons Footbath.Vantiques
Bretby Art Pottery Pair Green Foliage Planters£35.00 $45.3   €41.72 Bretby Art Pottery Pair Green Foliage PlantersJohn Austin Antiques Victorian Porcelain Dining Place \"cards\" - 8 Pcs£160 $207.09   €190.72 Victorian Porcelain Dining Place \"cards\" - 8 PcsJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Small Vintage Decorative Posy Vase, Japanese£325 $420.65   €387.4 Small Vintage Decorative Posy Vase, JapaneseLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Dried Flower Vase, English, Ceramic, C1930£475 $614.79   €566.2 Vintage Dried Flower Vase, English, Ceramic, C1930London Fine Antiques
Vintage Decorative Pouring Jug, English, Ceramic£395 $511.25   €470.84 Vintage Decorative Pouring Jug, English, CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Pouring Jug, English, Hand Painted Ceramic£425 $550.08   €506.6 Vintage Pouring Jug, English, Hand Painted CeramicLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Serving Jug, English, Ceramic Pourer£295 $381.82   €351.64 Vintage Serving Jug, English, Ceramic PourerLondon Fine Antiques Lovey Royal Doulton Figure Group \"Milestone\" HN3297£145.00 $187.67   €172.84 Lovey Royal Doulton Figure Group \"Milestone\" HN3297Melbourne Antiques
Lovely Vintage Tony Woods Golf Ball Shaped Teapot£28.00 $36.24   €33.38 Lovely Vintage Tony Woods Golf Ball Shaped TeapotMelbourne Antiques Superb Large Antique Pair Of Royal Worcester Vases£495.00 $640.68   €590.04 Superb Large Antique Pair Of Royal Worcester VasesMelbourne Antiques Vintage Sylvac Ceramic Trough£35.00 $45.3   €41.72 Vintage Sylvac Ceramic TroughYore Antiques Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Royal Doulton£175 $226.5   €208.6 Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Royal DoultonRecess Antiques
The Wizard Of Oz Collection Royal Doulton£270 $349.46   €321.84 The Wizard Of Oz Collection Royal DoultonRecess Antiques Regency Coalport Porcelain Sugar Box / Sucrier£125 $161.79   €149 Regency Coalport Porcelain Sugar Box / SucrierThe Fancy Fox Pair Of Vintage Dried Flower Vases, English£975 $1261.94   €1162.2 Pair Of Vintage Dried Flower Vases, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Pair Of Italian Ceramic Parrots £175 $226.5   €208.6 Pair Of Italian Ceramic Parrots Vladds Interiors
