Victorian Busts and Figures
Found 569 For Sale and Sold ( 182 for sale 387 sold )
$2337.56 €2240.81
Henry Wissen 1894-1914 French Bronze Maiden BustMansion House Antiques & Fine Art
$4737.46 €4541.38
Sculpture In White Statuary Marble. 19th Century.Borrelli Antichita
$1115.8 €1069.61
Tall Antique Female Figure, AustrianLondon Fine Antiques
$866.46 €830.59
Large Plaster Composition Of A Classical MaidenHarrington Antiques
$342.84 €328.65
Copper Bust Of Princess Alexandra Of DenmarkHawthornes Antiques
$1558.38 €1493.88
19th Century Black Forest Centre PieceMartlesham Antiques
$1059.7 €1015.84
19th Century Black Forest Carving Of A FoxMartlesham Antiques
$1365.14 €1308.63
Marble Bust Of A Gentleman By John Wenlock RollinsCollinge Antiques
$1807.72 €1732.9
Large 19thc Bronzed Spelter Figure Of Farm WorkerLVS Decorative Arts
$2431.07 €2330.45
Alabaster BustMartin Barrington Causer Fine Art & Interiors
$617.12 €591.57
Grand Tour Alabaster - "boy With Thorn"Ferreira Antiques
$3116.75 €2987.75
Alabaster Sculpture Depicting Cupid. 19th Century.Borrelli Antichita
$5672.49 €5437.71
19th Century French Terracotta Sculpture God PanParino Mercato Antiquario
$342.84 €328.65
Antique Victorian Staffordshire Flatback Figure London City Antiques
$455.05 €436.21
Wonderful Pair Of Antique Victorian SpanielsUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$25993.7 €24917.84
19th Century Bronze And Marble SculptureParino Mercato Antiquario
$804.12 €770.84
Antique Art Nouveau Goldscheider Terracotta BustDreams Less Sweet Antiques
$2493.4 €2390.2
Pair Of Orientalist Sculptures In Terracotta. XIXCBorrelli Antichita
$3054.42 €2928
Large Bronze Medici LionWillows Antiques & Interiors
$679.45 €651.33
Antique Plaster Artists SkullHutton-Clarke Antiques
$367.78 €352.55
Antique Parian Bust Of Queen Victoria By R & LElmgarden
$1228 €1177.17
Antique Buddhist Avalokiteshvara Figure, AsianLondon Fine Antiques
$841.52 €806.69
Plaster Bust Of Princess De Lambelle C.1900Harrington Antiques
$3054.42 €2928
Large Antique Marly Horse Figure, French, EquineLondon Fine Antiques
$1558.38 €1493.88
Great 19th Century Wooden Cherub SculptureParino Mercato Antiquario
$3110.52 €2981.77
Pair Of Antique Victorian Carved Ebonised FiguresLondon City Antiques
$2431.07 €2330.45
Signed Art Nouveau Alabaster Sculpture Parino Mercato Antiquario
$3116.75 €2987.75
French Alabaster Sculpture. Period 19th Century.Borrelli Antichita