20th Century Antique Bronze Sculptures

Found 402 For Sale and Sold    ( 120 for sale  282 sold )  
Vintage Brutalist Bronze Fish Sculpture£575 $712.43   €690.63 Vintage Brutalist Bronze Fish SculptureMarylebone Antiques Spelter Seabird Sculpture By Henri Lechesne C.1900£345 $427.46   €414.38 Spelter Seabird Sculpture By Henri Lechesne C.1900Collinge Antiques Bulldog Office Inkwell Sculpture Named Charlie£1000 $1239   €1201.1 Bulldog Office Inkwell Sculpture Named CharlieCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Art Deco Bronze Of Ardrocles & The Lion C.1930£2395 $2967.41   €2876.63 Art Deco Bronze Of Ardrocles & The Lion C.1930Collinge Antiques
Folk Art Bronze Of Dancing Pierrot Clowns£245 $303.56   €294.27 Folk Art Bronze Of Dancing Pierrot ClownsDreams Less Sweet Antiques A Vannetti Bronze Tiger And Cubs£3000 $3717   €3603.3 A Vannetti Bronze Tiger And CubsSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Huge Bonheur Bronze Horse & Jockey Sculpture£3375 $4181.63   €4053.71 Huge Bonheur Bronze Horse & Jockey SculptureMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Art Deco Pair Of Bronze Nude Ladies£625 $774.38   €750.69 Art Deco Pair Of Bronze Nude LadiesFerreira Antiques
Horse & Jockey Group With Stable Hands Sculpture £5000 $6195   €6005.5 Horse & Jockey Group With Stable Hands Sculpture Cheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Art Deco Bronze Dog Sculpture By Rene Varnier£695 $861.11   €834.76 Art Deco Bronze Dog Sculpture By Rene VarnierWalton House Antiques Vintage Spanish Bronze Sculpture£2250 $2787.75   €2702.48 Vintage Spanish Bronze SculptureMarylebone Antiques Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Sculpture Salmon£750 $929.25   €900.83 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Sculpture SalmonCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
The Picador Bronze Sculpture By Rintoul Booth£1100.00 $1362.9   €1321.21 'The Picador' Bronze Sculpture By Rintoul BoothLVS Decorative Arts The Matador Bronze Sculpture By Rintoul Booth£1100.00 $1362.9   €1321.21 'The Matador' Bronze Sculpture By Rintoul BoothLVS Decorative Arts Arno Breker- Bronze Sculpture  Eagle  Arno Breker- Bronze Sculpture EagleBrian Knapp Antiques  Sculpture Dancing Lady Elegant Legs By Lorenz£5000 $6195   €6005.5 Sculpture Dancing Lady Elegant Legs By LorenzCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
Bronze Of Marshall Foch On Horseback£4300 $5327.7   €5164.73 Bronze Of Marshall Foch On HorsebackCheltenham House Antiques Art Deco Sculpture Boat Hauling C.1930£395 $489.41   €474.43 Art Deco Sculpture Boat Hauling C.1930Collinge Antiques Bronze Garden Statue With Glass Torch Light£8440 $10457.16   €10137.28 Bronze Garden Statue With Glass Torch LightNewark Antiques And Interiors Italian Bronze Sculpture Peasant 20th Century£1300 $1610.7   €1561.43 Italian Bronze Sculpture Peasant 20th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario
African Dogon Bronze Horse & Rider From Mali£325 $402.68   €390.36 African Dogon Bronze Horse & Rider From MaliTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts Bronze Art Deco Sculpture Of Seabirds C.1930£795 $985.01   €954.87 Bronze Art Deco Sculpture Of Seabirds C.1930Collinge Antiques Large Sculpture Of Two Lovers By Lyle Barcey £1495 $1852.31   €1795.64 Large Sculpture Of Two Lovers By Lyle Barcey Collinge Antiques French Statue Cherub From The 20th Century£1900 $2354.1   €2282.09 French Statue Cherub From The 20th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario
Jack Russell Patinated Bronze Sculpture No 1£4800 $5947.2   €5765.28 Jack Russell Patinated Bronze Sculpture No 1Cheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd Vintage Bronze Bull Statue After A.L.BARYE C1960£465 $576.14   €558.51 Vintage Bronze Bull Statue After A.L.BARYE C1960Knight Fine Antiques & Collectables Japanese Bronze Sculpture Pipe Smoker 20th Century£1050 $1300.95   €1261.16 Japanese Bronze Sculpture Pipe Smoker 20th CenturyParino Mercato Antiquario Bronze Art Deco Poodle Dog Classic Car Mascot£2000 $2478   €2402.2 Bronze Art Deco Poodle Dog Classic Car MascotCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd