Late Victorian Antique Bronze Animals

Found 24 For Sale and Sold    ( 9 for sale  15 sold )  
Large 19thc Meiji Japanese Elephant & Tiger Bronze£2950.00 $3802.85   €3515.52 Large 19thc Meiji Japanese Elephant & Tiger BronzeLVS Decorative Arts Japanese Meiji Period Bronze Elephant£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 Japanese Meiji Period Bronze ElephantMillers Antiques Of Wooler Franz Bergman Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Cat£375 $483.41   €446.89 Franz Bergman Austrian Cold Painted Bronze CatSignature Antiques Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Horse £395 $509.19   €470.72 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Horse Select Antiques
 C.1900 Franz Bergman Cold Paint Bronze Statue£6500 $8379.15   €7746.05 C.1900 Franz Bergman Cold Paint Bronze StatueWimbledon Furniture Ltd Japanese Meiji Period Bronze Figure Of A Rat 10cm£280 $360.95   €333.68 Japanese Meiji Period Bronze Figure Of A Rat 10cmNorthern Antiques - Northumberland Bronze & Serpentine Ashtray Signed Guiraud-Rivière£185.00 $238.48   €220.46 Bronze & Serpentine Ashtray Signed Guiraud-RivièreOld Birds Antiques Victorian Bronze Gazelle£695 $895.92   €828.23 Victorian Bronze GazelleWitch Antiques
Bronze Cat And Kitte£380 $489.86   €452.85 Bronze Cat And KitteAntiques Affair Ca.1900 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Running Fox£225 $290.05   €268.13 Ca.1900 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Running FoxSignature Antiques Ca.1900 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Dachshund Dog£195 $251.37   €232.38 Ca.1900 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Dachshund DogSignature Antiques Antique Elephant Figure, Asian, Bronze, Ornament£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Antique Elephant Figure, Asian, Bronze, OrnamentLondon Fine Antiques
Victorian Bronze Pig £350 $451.19   €417.1 Victorian Bronze Pig Aylmer Fine Art 19th Century Victorian Bronze Animal Bulls Sculpture £1200 $1546.92   €1430.04 19th Century Victorian Bronze Animal Bulls Sculpture Cheshire Antiques Consultant After Jules Moigniez French Bronze Figure Goat£175.00 $225.59   €208.55 After Jules Moigniez French Bronze Figure GoatDragonfly Antique Austrian Bronze Pen / Nib Wipe - Fox C.1900  Austrian Bronze Pen / Nib Wipe - Fox C.1900Puckerings Antiques
Very Rare Cold Painted Bronze Cat Photograph Frame  Very Rare Cold Painted Bronze Cat Photograph FramePuckerings Antiques Large Antique Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Stag  Large Antique Austrian Cold Painted Bronze StagPuckerings Antiques Small Bronze Spaniel Circa 1900  Small Bronze Spaniel Circa 1900Levels Antiques Pair Of Bronze Greyhounds£2250.00 $2900.48   €2681.33 Pair Of Bronze GreyhoundsLemon Tree Antiques
Fantastic Large Bronze Elephant Pin Cushion C1890£360.00 $464.08   €429.01 Fantastic Large Bronze Elephant Pin Cushion C1890Goodwin Antiques Cold Painted Bronze Match Strike / Vesta - 1891  Cold Painted Bronze Match Strike / Vesta - 1891Puckerings Antiques Collection Of 19 Cold Painted Bronze Animals,£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 Collection Of 19 Cold Painted Bronze Animals,Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Late Victorian Cold Painted Bronze £145.00 $186.92   €172.8 Late Victorian Cold Painted Bronze Millbrook Antiques