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Miniature Terracotta Bust Sculpture Antique Italy

Miniature Terracotta Bust Sculpture Antique Italy Terracotta  Bust Old man %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
Exquisite Antique 19th C or earlier Italian Miniature Terracotta Bust Old Man with night Cap
Indistinctly Signed
Amazing Realistic Expression
A rare Survivor

Italian Terracotta Sculpture
Through their masterful control of material and a superb sense of artistry, Italian sculptors have explored the versatility of terracotta to create some of the most alluring and expressive sculptures in the history of art.
The Renaissance portrait bust
Portraiture is often seen as the quintessential Renaissance art form, and clay was used increasingly during the 15th century to produce life-like busts. It was an ideal medium to make models for portraits in other materials. Most finished clay portraits would have been painted to appear more realistic, like the extraordinarily vivid likeness of Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici, the future Pope Leo X, based on a mask taken from life. In other cases, like the rare bust of a Young Man in Armour by Antonio del Pollaiuolo, the clay image was painted to imitate the far more costly material of bronze. Its torso is fashioned with coils of clay, like an earthen jar, demonstrating how pottery techniques were adapted for sculpture. The bust of Tommaso Rangone by Alessandro Vittoria was originally created as the model for a portrait in bronze. It was later gilded to produce a more decorative object for display.
Models and finished works in the 18th century
During the 18th century, terracotta was valued as much for its decorative qualities as for its practical uses. Famous sculptures, such as Filippo Della Valle's allegorical figure of Temperance, were replicated and sold in small, terracotta versions as souvenirs of the Grand Tour. A work like Agostino Cornacchini's Sleeping Endymion went straight into a collector's cabinet with bronze and even porcelain copies made from it. The distinguished marble sculptor, Giuseppe Sanmartino, for example, delighted in the expressive qualities of painted terracotta for use in minor works such as the famous Neapolitan nativity scenes. These often contained a vast number of figures that rival the delicacy of porcelain figurines. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

14.6 cm high, 10 cm wide, 6 cm deep

Good Antique Condition: Base has been re stuck.
a couple of small chips on ages. A couple of flakes on the base glaze/paint.
Mild chipping on the base.
£265.00  UK
$328.97  USA
317.28  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 6/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
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Category Busts and Figures Period Victorian Antiques Material Ceramic Origin Italian Item code as727a237 Status For Sale


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Miniature Terracotta Bust Sculpture Antique Italy



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