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Georgian Antiques
Tel0131 5537286Please quote Antiques Atlas.
Diminutive 'Marble Bust Of Louisa', Dated 1848
Heavy Vintage Bohemian Female Bust, Continental
Bronze Bust of a Young Woman by Lambeaux c.1900
A 19th Century Alabaster Bust Of Ajax.
Jean Racine, Barbedienne bust
19th Century Gilt Bronze Bust 'Le Petit Roi'
Large Plaster Bust of a Gentleman c.1900
Henry Wissen 1894-1914 French Bronze Maiden Bust
Woman Art Form Forties Era
19thc marble bust of a young girl signed ‘Houdon’
Copper bust of Princess Alexandra of Denmark
Marble Bust of a Gentleman by John Wenlock Rollins
Non UK callers :
+44 131 5537286
Marble Bust of a Lady

Circa 1900 A stylish carved white marble bust of a lady, the back of the bust is signed, ‘F. Sargant ‘ the lady has a hairstyle typical of the period, the head and the shoulders with gown draped over the shoulders, good colour and patination.
42cm H x 44cm W x 25cm D
SellerGeorgian Antiques
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Georgian Antiques

10 Pattison Street
Leith Links
Tel : 0131 5537286
Non UK callers : +44 131 5537286
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42cm H x 44cm W x 25cm D
Click here to message the seller The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 4/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Busts and Figures
Date Circa 1900
Early 20th Century Antiques Material White Marble
Item code as178a6659 / 33845
Status For Sale



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Conversion rates as of 4/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
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Georgian Antiques

Leith Links
Tel : 0131 5537286
Non UK callers : +44 131 5537286
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