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George III Painted Oak Farmhouse Spoon Rack c.1780

George III Painted Oak Farmhouse Spoon Rack c.1780 Georgian spoon rack  painted spoon rack %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
The painted oak carcass showing the wonderful original textured surface of Georgian period pistachio green paint, worn thoroughly and consistently with age, having an attractively shaped back to a candle box and knife drawer below with original knob handle, surviving from the last quarter of eighteenth century England.

The provincially made carcass has a wonderfully textured patina, with a host of character commensurate with its age and use and it complete and undamaged. The knob handle is original as are the hinges.

Traditionally, a bride received a spoon rack from her new husband, and it remained her personal possession. Scandinavian examples have chip carving, and the racks were usually painted this exam¬ple showing the original paintwork and Georgian simplicity of design.

Texture and colour to die for beautifully untouched and hard to find so unspoiled.
£780.00  UK
$1005.50  USA
929.53  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 6/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
 Free UK shipping.
Category Antique Treen Date c.1780  George III Antiques Material Painted Origin English Item code as155a1888 / 1973 Status Sold

SellerDoe And Hope

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Doe And Hope

Doe and HopePrivate dealer, By appointment only
The Onion Barn, Shoe Cottage,
15 High Street, Blunham,
Bedfordshire, MK44 3NL.
MK44 3NL

Tel : 07729 213013

Non UK callers : +44 7729 213013

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George III Painted Oak Farmhouse Spoon Rack c.1780
as155a1888 / 1973



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