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A 14th century Seigburg drinking vessel

A 14th century Seigburg drinking vessel A 13th14th century  Seigburg drinking vessel %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
A rare survivor and rarer still to find in Britain, it's a drunken looking pot appearing to be of coiled construction. A drinking vessel for sure, this type of pottery was made in the Seigburg area through the 13th and 14th century similarly ash glazed but mat. Into the 15th century still similar but with a gloss finish and pretty well ceased in the 16th. So this tankard lived through the the times of Richard the Lion heart, good? King John and Edwards 1,2 and 3. It is just amazing to think what this has been a silent witness to during its time. Normally these are known from shards from excavations and here is one 99.5 per cent complete.
£215.00  UK
$277.16  USA
256.22  EU
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 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 6/MAR/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
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Dimensions8" high and 3 1/2" at its widest point Category Antique Ceramics Date 13th or 14th century   Early 20th Century Antiques Material Ceramic Origin German Condition Considering the age very fair condition. It's lost a toe and a toenail Item code as980a250 / 1375 Status For Sale

SellerAnthony House Antiques

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Anthony House Antiques

Anthony House AntiquesPrivate dealer
By appointment only
Near Lampeter, Ceredigion
Mid Wales

Tel : 07977547061
or : 01570470239

Non UK callers : +44 7977547061 or +44 1570470239
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A 14th century Seigburg drinking vessel
as980a250 / 1375



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