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Dunkeld Antiques
Tel : 07713074932
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Private dealer
By appointment only
Near Perth
Perthshire, Scotland
Welcome to Dunkeld Antiques...
Dunkeld Antiques was a well established retail business established in 1986, operating out of retail premises on the banks of the Tay in Perthshire Scotland where we sold a generic range of good quality antiques, for many years as a member of LAPADA..In recent years we have moved online, and recently have been selling a range of decorative items, with an emphasis on decorative glass, and useful copper. Now hours by appointment only.
Latest Items
19th century kitchen dresser
Set of antique harvest jugs
Large copper sugar pan
Antique copper jug
Hermes automatic gents wrist watch
Set of 12 Ashworth Ironstone plates
Set of 3 antique Bristol green wine flagons
Blue glass jugs
Blue glass jugs
Japanese jewellery box
Mahogany corner cupboard
Pair silver plated entree dishes
Silver claret jug
Pair leather tub chairs
A copper “trout” fish kettle
Grain measure
Georgian coffer
Copper cake molds
A early 20thc tub Copper log bin
Copper ships port side navigation light
Copper log bin
Large copper log bin
A set of 8 hoop back dining chairs