Antique Wood Carvings
Found 65 For Sale and Sold ( 16 for sale 49 sold )
Edwardian Black Forest Limewood Antique Spill VaseMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
$1162.33 €1128.32
Pair Of 18thC Gilded Pine Italian Altar Cards 1790Doe And Hope
Carved Black Forest Wall Hanging MatchstrikerGoodwin Antiques
$305.88 €296.93
Coquilla Nutmeg Grater, TreenRod Naylor Antiques
$122.35 €118.77
Mouseman Oak AshtrayOsbourne Antiques
$165.17 €160.34
19th Century Carved Mahogany Wall PocketCarse Antiques
$214.11 €207.85
Rare Treen Miniature Hall Stick StandCarse Antiques
19th C. Victorian Wood Carving English Church PewDebra Clifford Antiques Devon
$122.35 €118.77
Late 18th Century Fruitwood Knitting SheathCarse Antiques
19th Century Carved Oak Wall Bracket, Medieval ManElmgarden
$177.41 €172.22
Superb Pair Of 18th Century Treen ShoesCarse Antiques
Large Carved Wooden Boot, Shoe Makers Trade SignElmgarden
Perfect 19thC Welsh Scyamore Butter PrintWelsh Vernacular Furniture
$48.94 €47.51
Antique Wooden Printing BlockYore Antiques
Carved Horse / Equestrian Fruitwood Wall Bracket Puckerings Antiques
$293.64 €285.05
A Pair Of Carved Lion HeadsEveritt And Rogers Limited
$146.82 €142.52
Carved Fruitwood Parrot Watch Stand.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$226.35 €219.72
A Pair Of Carved MermaidsHavard And Havard
Pair Of Robert Thompson Mouseman Napkin RingsBarnhill Trading Co.
A Pair Of 19th Century Carved Oak Wall Brackets, Elmgarden
$42.82 €41.57
Treen Bunch Of GrapesCourtyard Antiques
$275.29 €267.23
Pitcairn Island Flying FishNook Antiques
$519.99 €504.77
Carving Stunning Walnut Victorian English C1850Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$360.93 €350.37
Folk Art Victorian Cork Model Of Dudley Castle Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$305.88 €296.93
Coquilla Nutmeg GraterRod Naylor Antiques
19th Century Carved Bear, Fair Ground GalloperElmgarden
3 Large 19th Century Oak Carvings CryatidsElmgarden
$305.88 €296.93
19th Century Carved Coquila Nutmeg GraterCarse Antiques And Restoration