Welsh Antique Treen Ladles and Spoons

Found 64 For Sale and Sold    ( 7 for sale  57 sold )  
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Welsh Cherrywood Ladle Of Superb Colour£495 $619.89   €594.15 Welsh Cherrywood Ladle Of Superb ColourHavard And Havard Welsh Sycamore Egg Bowl Ladle£125 $156.54   €150.04 Welsh Sycamore Egg Bowl LadleHavard And Havard Fine Welsh Beechwood Ladle Or Lletwad£150 $187.85   €180.05 Fine Welsh Beechwood Ladle Or LletwadHavard And Havard Antique Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoon Ladle Treen£60 $75.14   €72.02 Antique Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoon Ladle TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques
19thC Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoon Ladle £60 $75.14   €72.02 19thC Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoon Ladle Welsh Vernacular Antiques A 19th Century Sycamore Butter Scoop £58 $72.63   €69.62 A 19th Century Sycamore Butter Scoop Anthony House Antiques Various 18 & 19th Century Sycamore Spoons  Various 18 & 19th Century Sycamore SpoonsOpus Antiques Rare Welsh 18th Century Antique Spoon Rack & Spoon  Rare Welsh 18th Century Antique Spoon Rack & SpoonMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Rare Antique Welsh Love Spoon Chain Lovespoon  Rare Antique Welsh Love Spoon Chain LovespoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques Welsh Sycamore Love Spoon  Welsh Sycamore Love SpoonHavard And Havard Welsh Love Spoon£1550 $1941.07   €1860.47 Welsh Love SpoonMouse House Antiques Welsh Love Spoon£3450 $4320.44   €4141.04 Welsh Love SpoonMouse House Antiques
A Fine Pair Of Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoons   A Fine Pair Of Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoons Anthony House Antiques A Sycamore Cawl Ladle£105 $131.49   €126.03 A Sycamore Cawl LadleAnthony House Antiques Welsh Sycamore Ladle  Welsh Sycamore LadleHavard And Havard A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle£110 $137.75   €132.03 A Welsh Sycamore Cawl LadleAnthony House Antiques
A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle Or Lletwad£125 $156.54   €150.04 A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle Or LletwadAnthony House Antiques Antique Welsh Folk Art Cawl Spoon Ladle Treen  Antique Welsh Folk Art Cawl Spoon Ladle TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques A Welsh Cawl Ladle Or Lletwad.£95 $118.97   €114.03 A Welsh Cawl Ladle Or Lletwad.Anthony House Antiques Rare Welsh Folk Art Butter Scoop Spoon Treen  Rare Welsh Folk Art Butter Scoop Spoon TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques
Rare Welsh Sycamore Butter Scoop Spoon   Rare Welsh Sycamore Butter Scoop Spoon Welsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Sycamore Lovespoon C1880 Love Spoon  Antique Sycamore Lovespoon C1880 Love SpoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoon Ladle Treen  Antique Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoon Ladle TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle.  A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle.Anthony House Antiques
Large, Early Treen, Fine One Piece Sycamore Ladle  Large, Early Treen, Fine One Piece Sycamore LadleDaryl Yeates Antiques 19thC Welsh Spoon Rack With Cawl Spoons - Treen  19thC Welsh Spoon Rack With Cawl Spoons - TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques Three Cawl Spoons £220.00 $275.51   €264.07 Three Cawl Spoons Havard And Havard A Welsh Sycamore Ladle, A Lletwad.   A Welsh Sycamore Ladle, A Lletwad. Anthony House Antiques
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