20th Century Antique Treen Ladles and Spoons

Found 23 For Sale and Sold    ( 3 for sale  20 sold )  
Antique Coconut Shell Spoon£38.00 $47.17   €45.5 Antique Coconut Shell SpoonYore Antiques Fruitwood Grain Scoop£130.00 $161.38   €155.65 Fruitwood Grain ScoopLemon Tree Antiques Various 18 & 19th Century Sycamore Spoons  Various 18 & 19th Century Sycamore SpoonsOpus Antiques Rare Antique Welsh Love Spoon Chain Lovespoon  Rare Antique Welsh Love Spoon Chain LovespoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques
A Fine Pair Of Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoons   A Fine Pair Of Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoons Anthony House Antiques A Sycamore Cawl Ladle£105 $130.35   €125.72 A Sycamore Cawl LadleAnthony House Antiques Welsh Sycamore Ladle  Welsh Sycamore LadleHavard And Havard A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle£110 $136.55   €131.7 A Welsh Sycamore Cawl LadleAnthony House Antiques
A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle Or Lletwad£125 $155.18   €149.66 A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle Or LletwadAnthony House Antiques A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle.  A Welsh Sycamore Cawl Ladle.Anthony House Antiques A Pair Of Early 20th Century Sycamore Table Spoons  A Pair Of Early 20th Century Sycamore Table SpoonsAnthony House Antiques Treen Olivewood Olive Ladle£125.00 $155.18   €149.66 Treen Olivewood Olive LadleLemon Tree Antiques
Three Cawl Spoons £220.00 $273.11   €263.41 Three Cawl Spoons Havard And Havard A Welsh Sycamore Ladle, A Lletwad.   A Welsh Sycamore Ladle, A Lletwad. Anthony House Antiques Norwegian Sycamore Wedding Love Spoons Treen  Norwegian Sycamore Wedding Love Spoons TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques Mid Century Naive Welsh Sycamore Lovespoon  Mid Century Naive Welsh Sycamore LovespoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques
Welsh Sycamore Butter Curler  Welsh Sycamore Butter CurlerAnthony House Antiques Antique Welsh Balls In Cage Love Spoon Lovespoon  Antique Welsh Balls In Cage Love Spoon LovespoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques Antique Walnut Welsh Love Spoon  Antique Walnut Welsh Love SpoonWelsh Vernacular Antiques Large Antique Welsh Love Spoon - Lovespoon Treen  Large Antique Welsh Love Spoon - Lovespoon TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques
Welsh Sycamore  Cawl  Spoon   Welsh Sycamore Cawl Spoon Anthony House Antiques Lletwad. Welsh Cawl Ladle  Lletwad. Welsh Cawl LadleAnthony House Antiques A Large Welsh Cawl Ladle£75.00 $93.11   €89.8 A Large Welsh Cawl LadleHavard And Havard  