Antique Kitchenalia
Found 1801 For Sale and Sold ( 560 for sale 1241 sold )
$1470.21 €1427.43
Antique 19th Century French Set Of 4 Copper PansLondon City Antiques
$104.58 €101.53
ART DECO BAKELITE FRUIT KNIVES On Octagonal Stand Artdecoart
$430.61 €418.08
19th Century Two Gallon Copper Measuring JugMartlesham Antiques
$30.76 €29.86
Mid Century Bamboo Fruit Bowl / Basket, 1950s/60s Lucian Linnell Vintage
$676.67 €656.98
Antique Quality Copper Saucepan Stamped LiptonsLondon City Antiques
$399.85 €388.21
Antique George III Quality Copper Kettle London City Antiques
$842.76 €818.23
Quality Antique Victorian Brass Scales London City Antiques
$522.88 €507.66
Victorian Quality Dutch Copper Spirit KettleUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$178.39 €173.2
Salters Improved No 50 Family ScalesArt Furniture
$1211.85 €1176.58
Antique Mortar And Pestle Duo, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$732.03 €710.73
Antique Duck Roasting Pan, English, BronzeLondon Fine Antiques
$246.06 €238.9
Large Marble Mortar Vladds Interiors
$190.7 €185.15
Wicker Basket Bottle CarrierArt Furniture
$424.45 €412.1
Decorative Vegetable Garden Scales Elmgarden
$387.54 €376.27
Antique George III Quality Copper KettleLondon City Antiques
$270.67 €262.79
19th Century Creamware Antique Water PurifierMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
$307.58 €298.63
Edwardian Brass Bound Oak JugSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$276.82 €268.76
Edwardian Brass Bound Oak JugSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$522.88 €507.66
Antique Pestle & Mortar Set, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$46.75 €45.39
Vintage Pyrex Glass Rolling PinYore Antiques
$965.79 €937.68
Pair Of Antique Quality Ornate Brass EwersLondon City Antiques
$203 €197.09
Petite Georgian Copper Kettle Circa 1820Paul Doran Antiques
$72.59 €70.48
Antique Edwardian Art Nouveau Tea Caddy Select Antiques
$522.88 €507.66
Antique Scullery Stovetop Kettle, English, Copper, London Fine Antiques
$92.27 €89.59
French Art Deco Bread BoxDecodreamers
$430.61 €418.08
19th Century Four Gallon Copper Measuring JugMartlesham Antiques
$596.7 €579.33
Antique West Country Cream Skimmer, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$461.36 €447.94
Antique Fireside Warmer, English, Pierced BrassLondon Fine Antiques