Games Tantalus

Found 27 For Sale and Sold    ( 5 for sale  22 sold )  
Edwardian Oak Games Tantalus£375 $462.15   €444.45 Edwardian Oak Games TantalusBridgend Antiques Edwardian Tantalus / Games Compendium Circa 1903£950 $1170.78   €1125.94 Edwardian Tantalus / Games Compendium Circa 1903Frank Craig Antiques Tantalus Three Decanter’s & Games In Oak Case£495 $610.04   €586.67 Tantalus Three Decanter’s & Games In Oak CaseSovereign Antiques Circa 1890 Three Bottle Oak Games Tantalus£895 $1103   €1060.75 Circa 1890 Three Bottle Oak Games TantalusBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
Superb Victorian Golden Oak Games Tantalus£695.00 $856.52   €823.71 Superb Victorian Golden Oak Games TantalusMelbourne Antiques Antique Victorian Oak Tantalus And Games Box£995 $1226.24   €1179.27 Antique Victorian Oak Tantalus And Games BoxUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Victorian Oak Tantalus And Games Box£895 $1103   €1060.75 Antique Victorian Oak Tantalus And Games BoxUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Victorian Oak Gentlemans After Dinner Tantalus  Victorian Oak Gentlemans After Dinner TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd
Antique Rosewood & Solid Silver Games Tantalus  Antique Rosewood & Solid Silver Games TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Victorian Oak Tantalus With Games Drawer  Victorian Oak Tantalus With Games DrawerSturmans Antiques Ltd Superb Victorian Oak Tantalus & Games Compendium  Superb Victorian Oak Tantalus & Games CompendiumSturmans Antiques Ltd Stunning Antique Burr Walnut Tantalus & Games Box  Stunning Antique Burr Walnut Tantalus & Games BoxSturmans Antiques Ltd
Edwardian Light Oak Drinks Tantalus And Games Box.£595 $733.28   €705.19 Edwardian Light Oak Drinks Tantalus And Games Box.Antiques & Chic Superb Antique Burr Walnut After DinnerTantalus   Superb Antique Burr Walnut 'After Dinner'Tantalus Sturmans Antiques Ltd Superb Mid Victorian Burr Walnut Games Tantalus  Superb Mid Victorian Burr Walnut Games TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Victorian Fully Fitted Oak Tantalus V207  Victorian Fully Fitted Oak Tantalus V207Prichard Antiques
Tantalus Decanter Fine Victorian Oak C1890£425 $523.77   €503.71 Tantalus Decanter Fine Victorian Oak C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors Outstanding Victorian Oak Gaming Tantalus  Outstanding Victorian Oak Gaming TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Victorian 3 Decanter Oak Tantalus  Victorian 3 Decanter Oak TantalusBridgend Antiques An Outstanding Victorian Oak Decanter Box£1085 $1337.15   €1285.94 An Outstanding Victorian Oak Decanter BoxThe Dorking Desk Shop
Stunning Victorian Burr Walnut Tantalus Games Box  Stunning Victorian Burr Walnut Tantalus Games BoxSturmans Antiques Ltd Victorian/Edwardian Carved Oak Games Tantalus With£695 $856.52   €823.71 Victorian/Edwardian Carved Oak Games Tantalus WithRams Head Antiques Edwardian Oak Two Bottle Tantalus, Circa 1901  Edwardian Oak Two Bottle Tantalus, Circa 1901Kingsdown Antiques Oak Games Tantalus£595.00 $733.28   €705.19 Oak Games TantalusAthey Antiques
Late Victorian Oak Tantulus£395 $486.8   €468.15 Late Victorian Oak TantulusChurch Street Antiques Fine Victorian Oak Betjeman Tantalus/Games Box  Fine Victorian Oak Betjeman Tantalus/Games BoxAntiques At Leeds Very Handsome Golden Oak Games Tantalus£550.00 $677.82   €651.86 Very Handsome Golden Oak Games TantalusAthey Antiques  