1960s Antique Arms and Militaria
Found 33 For Sale and Sold ( 14 for sale 19 sold )
$178.25 €171.38
PISTOL ( THE PERFECTA ) .22 Starting PistolSovereign Antiques
$165.96 €159.56
PISTOL BREVETTA 1949 MODEL .22 Starting PistolSovereign Antiques
$153.66 €147.74
Starting Pistol Em-ge .22 Blank FiringSovereign Antiques
$27.04 €26
Vintage RAF Broad Arrow Keys X 3Kim Antiques
$202.83 €195.01
.22 Blank Firer 6 Shot Magazine In Perfect Condition Sovereign Antiques
$399.52 €384.12
Elizabeth 11 Army Officers Sword By Wilkinson Christopher Walker Antiques
$270.45 €260.02
African Malawi 1897 Pattern Wilkinson SwordSaltwood Antiques
$215.13 €206.83
Webley Starting Pistol -32Sovereign Antiques
$202.83 €195.01
Webley “ Sprint “ Starting Pistol Sovereign Antiques
$1223.15 €1175.99
Vietnam USA Military Police Officers HelmetSovereign Antiques
$608.5 €585.04
Vietnam American Soldiers Helmet Liner And CamouflageSovereign Antiques
$608.5 €585.04
Webley MK III Deactivated 38 PistolCAG Militaria
$583.92 €561.4
Vintage Jet Plane, English, Alloy, DecorativeLondon Fine Antiques
$116.78 €112.28
Wallace Collection European Arms & Armour Vol.1,2Old Birds Antiques
1960's Masonic Sword With Leather Frog And BeltChristopher Walker Antiques
$67.61 €65
SS Mans DaggerMichaels Militaria
Model Of A French WW1 Biplane In Wood Elmgarden
Siebe Gorman Diving Knife Smiths Vintage
$1346.08 €1294.18
Replica English Civil War Suit Of ArmourCollinge Antiques
$614.65 €590.95
Cartridge Display Case Ely Smiths Vintage
Elizabeth II Malaysian Wilkinson Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
$36.88 €35.46
Miniature Daggers Small CollectionCAG Militaria
$55.32 €53.19
Scottish Skean DhuCAG Militaria
$338.06 €325.02
1912 Patt Dress Sword Near Mint. Smiths Vintage
$202.83 €195.01
Vintage Webly And Scott Air PistolSmiths Vintage
$178.25 €171.38
Wilkinson’s 18 Century Hanger Smiths Vintage
$276.59 €265.93
Pair Of Man O' War Bronze Cannons.Michael Allcroft Antiques
$202.83 €195.01
Household Cavalry Breastplate Smiths Vintage