1940s Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 238 For Sale and Sold    ( 55 for sale  183 sold )  
Wartime Walter P38 Deactivated Hand Gun £995 $1283.95   €1184.65 Wartime Walter P38 Deactivated Hand Gun CAG Militaria German WW1 / WW2 Medal Group£395 $509.71   €470.29 German WW1 / WW2 Medal GroupCAG Militaria Wilkinson First Pattern Fighting Knife £450 $580.68   €535.77 Wilkinson First Pattern Fighting Knife CAG Militaria First Pattern  Wilkinson FS Fighting Knife£1650 $2129.16   €1964.49 First Pattern Wilkinson FS Fighting KnifeCAG Militaria
World War 2 Relic Battlefield Find Luger£650 $838.76   €773.89 World War 2 Relic Battlefield Find LugerCAG Militaria World War 2 Mills Grenade 1943 Dated£275 $354.86   €327.42 World War 2 Mills Grenade 1943 DatedCAG Militaria SAS / LRDG Fighting Knife£495 $638.75   €589.35 SAS / LRDG Fighting KnifeCAG Militaria Italian Cavalry Sword World War 2£295 $380.67   €351.23 Italian Cavalry Sword World War 2CAG Militaria
World War 2 No5 Jungle Carbine Bayonet Exceptional£250 $322.6   €297.65 World War 2 No5 Jungle Carbine Bayonet ExceptionalCAG Militaria WW2 RAF Trench Art 3 Sweetheart  Brooches   WW2 RAF Trench Art 3 Sweetheart Brooches Vladds Interiors A Boys Uniform (Military Style)£15 $19.36   €17.86 A Boys Uniform (Military Style)Those Were The Days German WW2 Officers Dress Sword£220 $283.89   €261.93 German WW2 Officers Dress SwordSaltwood Antiques
Private Issue Commando Knife £100 $129.04   €119.06 Private Issue Commando Knife Smiths Vintage World War 2 Deactivated Colt 1911£1595 $2058.19   €1899.01 World War 2 Deactivated Colt 1911CAG Militaria Hungarian World War 2 Air Force Dagger£595 $767.79   €708.41 Hungarian World War 2 Air Force DaggerCAG Militaria Chindit World War 2 Machette £275 $354.86   €327.42 Chindit World War 2 Machette CAG Militaria
Luftwaffe Dagger Genuine Barn Find £495 $638.75   €589.35 Luftwaffe Dagger Genuine Barn Find CAG Militaria German RAD Dagger With Unusual Grips£595 $767.79   €708.41 German RAD Dagger With Unusual GripsCAG Militaria WW2 Caterpillar Club Badge To SL Simpson DFC£1800 $2322.72   €2143.08 WW2 Caterpillar Club Badge To SL Simpson DFCDecades Of Antiques WW2 Kriegsmarine Officers Dirk By Carl Eickhorn£495 $638.75   €589.35 WW2 Kriegsmarine Officers Dirk By Carl EickhornDecades Of Antiques
World War 2 ,German Airborne Boot Knife £475 $612.94   €565.54 World War 2 ,German Airborne Boot Knife CAG Militaria WW2 German Army Steel Helmet£250 $322.6   €297.65 WW2 German Army Steel HelmetSaltwood Antiques World War 2 Deactivated Thompson Sub Machine Gun£750 $967.8   €892.95 World War 2 Deactivated Thompson Sub Machine GunCAG Militaria World War 2 Soviet STV40 Deactivated Rifle£700 $903.28   €833.42 World War 2 Soviet STV40 Deactivated RifleCAG Militaria
World War 2 ,German K98 Bolt Action Rifle Deactivated£895 $1154.91   €1065.59 World War 2 ,German K98 Bolt Action Rifle DeactivatedCAG Militaria No 4 Spike Bayonet   No 4 Spike Bayonet Smiths Vintage German WWII Army Officers Sword By Eickhorn  German WWII Army Officers Sword By EickhornChristopher Walker Antiques World War 2 SOE Knife£175 $225.82   €208.36 World War 2 SOE KnifeCAG Militaria