Antique Clocks

Found 9200 For Sale and Sold    ( 1769 for sale  7431 sold )  
Bell Striking And Repeating And Alarm Gorge Case C£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Bell Striking And Repeating And Alarm Gorge Case CWorboys Antiques And Clocks Tube Chiming Mahogany Eight Day Longcase Clock£7000.00 $8839.6   €8487.5 Tube Chiming Mahogany Eight Day Longcase ClockD.J. Massey And Son 1818 Swedish Mora Clock White Bronze 1818 215cm  1818 Swedish Mora Clock White Bronze 1818 215cmSwedish Interior Design Antique Mora Clock Swedish Gold Black Chinoiserie  Antique Mora Clock Swedish Gold Black ChinoiserieSwedish Interior Design
Mora Clock Swedish Antique Folk Art Painted 208cm  Mora Clock Swedish Antique Folk Art Painted 208cmSwedish Interior Design Antique Swedish Mora Clock Black Gold Angel 206cm  Antique Swedish Mora Clock Black Gold Angel 206cmSwedish Interior Design Mora Clock Antique Swedish 1800s Grandfather 195cm  Mora Clock Antique Swedish 1800s Grandfather 195cmSwedish Interior Design Antique Swedish Mora Clock White Gold 215cm  Antique Swedish Mora Clock White Gold 215cmSwedish Interior Design
Swedish Antique Mora Clock White Red 1800s 205cm  Swedish Antique Mora Clock White Red 1800s 205cmSwedish Interior Design Swedish Antique White Mora Clock 1812 200cm  Swedish Antique White Mora Clock 1812 200cmSwedish Interior Design Antique George III Mahogany Grandfather Clock£3250 $4104.1   €3940.63 Antique George III Mahogany Grandfather ClockLondon City Antiques Victorian 1894 Silver Carriage Clock£785 $991.3   €951.81 Victorian 1894 Silver Carriage ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Corinthian Capped Striking Carriage Clock£775 $978.67   €939.69 Corinthian Capped Striking Carriage ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Wall Clock Drop Dial Fuse Movement Rich Mahogany£950 $1199.66   €1151.88 Wall Clock Drop Dial Fuse Movement Rich MahoganyDeco Interiors Antique Mahogany 8 Day Painted Face Longcase Clock£3650 $4609.22   €4425.63 Antique Mahogany 8 Day Painted Face Longcase ClockLondon City Antiques Bulle Model Ee- Brass Wall Clock£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Bulle Model Ee- Brass Wall ClockCarlton Clocks
Antique French Electric Wall Clock£1800 $2273.04   €2182.5 Antique French Electric Wall ClockCarlton Clocks 8 Day Striking French Gilt Mantel Clock£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 8 Day Striking French Gilt Mantel ClockFrank Craig Antiques Victorian David Craig Ford Pathhead Longcase Clock£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Victorian David Craig Ford Pathhead Longcase ClockSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Oak / Mahogany Grandfather Clock By W Prior Skipton£2350 $2967.58   €2849.38 Oak / Mahogany Grandfather Clock By W Prior SkiptonLondon City Antiques
Antique Victorian Porcelain Mantel Clock£95 $119.97   €115.19 Antique Victorian Porcelain Mantel ClockThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Eikosha Japanese Early 20th Century Wall Clock£320 $404.1   €388 Eikosha Japanese Early 20th Century Wall ClockArt Furniture Fusee Wall Clock£2500.00 $3157   €3031.25 Fusee Wall ClockCove Clocks Decorative 8 Day Chiming Mantel Clock£750 $947.1   €909.38 Decorative 8 Day Chiming Mantel ClockFrank Craig Antiques
Art Deco Clock In Marble With Spherical Designs£675 $852.39   €818.44 Art Deco Clock In Marble With Spherical DesignsVintage Rug Company Ltd Art Deco Marble Clock Decorated With Birds£775 $978.67   €939.69 Art Deco Marble Clock Decorated With BirdsVintage Rug Company Ltd A Stunning Art Deco Clock In Marble And Alabaster £675 $852.39   €818.44 A Stunning Art Deco Clock In Marble And Alabaster Vintage Rug Company Ltd Architectural French Four-glass Clock, C.1860£3300 $4167.24   €4001.25 Architectural French Four-glass Clock, C.1860Carlton Clocks