Antique Clocks

Found 9200 For Sale and Sold    ( 1768 for sale  7432 sold )  
19th Century Palais Royal Mantel Clock, Circa 1875£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 19th Century Palais Royal Mantel Clock, Circa 1875Frank Craig Antiques Art Deco Glass And Bakelite Mantel Clock£3185 $4022.02   €3861.81 Art Deco Glass And Bakelite Mantel ClockCarlton Clocks Large French Empire Gilt Clock By Deniere Et Fils£3850 $4861.78   €4668.13 Large French Empire Gilt Clock By Deniere Et FilsHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Longcase Clock £295.00 $372.53   €357.69 Longcase Clock Mills Antiques
London Longcase Clock By Thomas Hughes C1765/70£12950 $16353.26   €15701.88 London Longcase Clock By Thomas Hughes C1765/70The Chimes Long Case  Clock£395.00 $498.81   €478.94 Long Case ClockMills Antiques  Edwardian Mahogany Eight Day Chiming Mantel Clock£985 $1243.86   €1194.31 Edwardian Mahogany Eight Day Chiming Mantel ClockLondon City Antiques Imperial Italian Gilt Brass Ormolu Clock Garniture£1000 $1262.8   €1212.5 Imperial Italian Gilt Brass Ormolu Clock GarnitureNorthern Antiques - Northumberland
WWI Wooden Laminated Propeller & Clock£3120 $3939.94   €3783 WWI Wooden Laminated Propeller & ClockCarlton Clocks Drum Head GF Clock 8 Days.£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Drum Head GF Clock 8 Days.Cavers Antiques George III Satinwood Bracket Clock - John Grant,£19800 $25003.44   €24007.5 George III Satinwood Bracket Clock - John Grant,Carlton Clocks Edwardian Mahogany Balloon Shaped Mantel Clock£950 $1199.66   €1151.88 Edwardian Mahogany Balloon Shaped Mantel ClockLondon City Antiques
Filigree Decorated Carriage Clock, Circa 1890£280 $353.58   €339.5 Filigree Decorated Carriage Clock, Circa 1890Frank Craig Antiques Gilt 8-day Carriage Clock Circa 1900£325 $410.41   €394.06 Gilt 8-day Carriage Clock Circa 1900Frank Craig Antiques Sienna Marble Clock Garniture£2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 Sienna Marble Clock GarnitureGeorgian Antiques  Mahog 8 Day Longcase Clock J N Tilbury & Guernsey£3850 $4861.78   €4668.13 Mahog 8 Day Longcase Clock J N Tilbury & GuernseyLondon City Antiques
Edwardian Oak And Inlay Balloon Clock£495 $625.09   €600.19 Edwardian Oak And Inlay Balloon ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Caryatids French Repeating Carriage Clock£1375 $1736.35   €1667.19 Caryatids French Repeating Carriage ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Rare American 19th Century Antique Iron Clock Case£495 $625.09   €600.19 Rare American 19th Century Antique Iron Clock CaseMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Massive Boulle Mantle Clock Double Fusee£4600 $5808.88   €5577.5 Massive Boulle Mantle Clock Double FuseeWickersley Antiques
Bronze 4 Glass Clock With Candelabra£1450 $1831.06   €1758.13 Bronze 4 Glass Clock With CandelabraKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Victorian 8-day Striking Mantel Clock, Circa 1880£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 Victorian 8-day Striking Mantel Clock, Circa 1880Frank Craig Antiques Vienna Wall Clock £155.00 $195.73   €187.94 Vienna Wall Clock Mills Antiques Beha Cuckoo Clock Model 589£5250 $6629.7   €6365.63 Beha Cuckoo Clock Model 589Carlton Clocks
Strike Repeat Alarm Carriage Clock By Henri Jacot £2550 $3220.14   €3091.88 Strike Repeat Alarm Carriage Clock By Henri Jacot Carlton Clocks 8-day Mantel Chronometer By Parkinson & Frodsham£13750 $17363.5   €16671.88 8-day Mantel Chronometer By Parkinson & FrodshamCarlton Clocks Carved Oak Longcase Clock, Lawley Fecit.£1250.00 $1578.5   €1515.63 Carved Oak Longcase Clock, Lawley Fecit.D.J. Massey And Son Bell Striking And Repeating And Alarm Gorge Case C£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 Bell Striking And Repeating And Alarm Gorge Case CWorboys Antiques And Clocks