Antique Clocks

Found 9200 For Sale and Sold    ( 1769 for sale  7431 sold )  
19th C French Gilt Bronze 3 Piece Clock Set£950.00 $1199.66   €1151.88 19th C French Gilt Bronze 3 Piece Clock SetImperial Antiques Scottish Longcase Clock£1450 $1831.06   €1758.13 Scottish Longcase ClockNethermill Antiques Turret Clock Face  Turret Clock FaceNethermill Antiques Edwardian Marquetry & Inlaid Drop Dial Wall Clock£360.00 $454.61   €436.5 Edwardian Marquetry & Inlaid Drop Dial Wall ClockSutton Antieks
  White Marble Clock With Garnitures  White Marble Clock With GarnituresShackladys Antiques Burr Walnut Cased Bracket Clock  Burr Walnut Cased Bracket ClockShackladys Antiques Small Walnt Bracket Clock£345 $435.67   €418.31 Small Walnt Bracket ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks Black Slate And Marble Mantel Clock £575 $726.11   €697.19 Black Slate And Marble Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks
Small Four Glass Mantel Clock £875 $1104.95   €1060.94 Small Four Glass Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Light Mahogany Chamfer Top Bracket Clock £1650 $2083.62   €2000.63 Light Mahogany Chamfer Top Bracket Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Mahogany Cased Grandmother Clock  Mahogany Cased Grandmother ClockShackladys Antiques Antique Art Deco Mantle Clock Garniture  Antique Art Deco Mantle Clock GarnitureEras Of Style
Antique Art Deco Marble Mantle Clock   Antique Art Deco Marble Mantle Clock Eras Of Style Art Deco Inlaid Burr Walnut Wall Clock  Art Deco Inlaid Burr Walnut Wall ClockCirca 1900 Silver Plated Striking Mantel Clock £925 $1168.09   €1121.56 Silver Plated Striking Mantel Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Walnut Mantel Clock - Q3310£285 $359.9   €345.56 Walnut Mantel Clock - Q3310Courtyard Antiques
Victorian Wall Clock£330 $416.72   €400.13 Victorian Wall ClockParbold Antiques Model Of Church£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 Model Of ChurchMartlesham Antiques Fusee Wall Clock  Fusee Wall ClockCove Clocks Antique Fusee Wall Clock By Manoah Rhodes  Antique Fusee Wall Clock By Manoah RhodesCove Clocks
Longcase Clock  Longcase ClockCove Clocks George VI Wall Clock£925 $1168.09   €1121.56 George VI Wall ClockNimbus Antiques Regency Wall Clock£1475 $1862.63   €1788.44 Regency Wall ClockNimbus Antiques LMS Wall Clock£1425 $1799.49   €1727.81 LMS Wall ClockNimbus Antiques
Georgian Longcase Clock - Grandfather Clock£7900 $9976.12   €9578.75 Georgian Longcase Clock - Grandfather ClockNimbus Antiques Mahogany Grandmother Clock With Westminster Chimes£975 $1231.23   €1182.19 Mahogany Grandmother Clock With Westminster ChimesWorboys Antiques And Clocks Mid 18th Century Oak Cottage Longcase Clock £1675 $2115.19   €2030.94 Mid 18th Century Oak Cottage Longcase Clock Worboys Antiques And Clocks Architectural Timepiece Carriage Clock£525 $662.97   €636.56 Architectural Timepiece Carriage ClockWorboys Antiques And Clocks