Georgian Antique Ceramics

Found 1067 For Sale and Sold    ( 308 for sale  759 sold )  
Davenport Exotic Bird Plate 1805-1820£55 $70.9   €65.54 Davenport Exotic Bird Plate 1805-1820Penrose Antiques Boy With Butterfly Newhall Cup & Saucer£120 $154.69   €143 Boy With Butterfly Newhall Cup & SaucerPenrose Antiques 18th Century Barr And Flight & Barr Cup & Saucer£85 $109.57   €101.29 18th Century Barr And Flight & Barr Cup & SaucerPenrose Antiques A Pair Of Bow Porcelain Figurines£550 $709.01   €655.44 A Pair Of Bow Porcelain FigurinesWhere Memories Meet
Two English Tin-Glazed Chargers£685.00 $883.03   €816.31 Two English Tin-Glazed ChargersHavard And Havard Riveted Chinese Qianlong Famille Rose Bowl  Riveted Chinese Qianlong Famille Rose BowlPrometheus Antiques 18th Century Caughley Fisherman Pattern Tea Bowl£50 $64.46   €59.59 18th Century Caughley Fisherman Pattern Tea BowlPenrose Antiques Late 18th Century Worcester Trio£130 $167.58   €154.92 Late 18th Century Worcester TrioPenrose Antiques
Early 19thC Old Derby Bud Vase Circa 1805£125 $161.14   €148.96 Early 19thC Old Derby Bud Vase Circa 1805Penrose Antiques 18th Century Worcester Fisherman Pattern Saucer£45 $58.01   €53.63 18th Century Worcester Fisherman Pattern SaucerPenrose Antiques Late 18th Century Worcester Cup And Saucer£110 $141.8   €131.09 Late 18th Century Worcester Cup And SaucerPenrose Antiques Davenport Stork Pattern Lidded Cream Jug 1805-20  Davenport Stork Pattern Lidded Cream Jug 1805-20Penrose Antiques
Pair Of New Hall Tea Bowls & Saucers, 1785£120 $154.69   €143 Pair Of New Hall Tea Bowls & Saucers, 1785Penrose Antiques Rare George III Enamel Bilston Patch Box C1760£550 $709.01   €655.44 Rare George III Enamel Bilston Patch Box C1760Blackwood Antiques Newhall Cup And Saucer Circa 1787£85 $109.57   €101.29 Newhall Cup And Saucer Circa 1787Penrose Antiques 1st Period Worcester Canonball Coffee Pot£129 $166.29   €153.73 1st Period Worcester Canonball Coffee PotWhere Memories Meet
New Hall Silver Shaped Tea Pot£160 $206.26   €190.67 New Hall Silver Shaped Tea PotMarket Square Antiques A Bristol Delft Tin-glazed Charger£325.00 $418.96   €387.3 A Bristol Delft Tin-glazed ChargerHavard And Havard C1745 Early Meissen Porcelain Ornithological Plate£595 $767.01   €709.06 C1745 Early Meissen Porcelain Ornithological PlateWhere Memories Meet Newhall Hand Painted Porcelain Milk Cream Jug£85 $109.57   €101.29 Newhall Hand Painted Porcelain Milk Cream JugWhere Memories Meet
Early Meissen 18th Century Porcelain Plate£125 $161.14   €148.96 Early Meissen 18th Century Porcelain PlateWhere Memories Meet Large 18th Century Chinese Antique Vase.  Large 18th Century Chinese Antique Vase.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd A Bristol Delft Dished Charger£245.00 $315.83   €291.97 A Bristol Delft Dished ChargerHavard And Havard An Octagonal Whieldon Type Pottery Plate£160.00 $206.26   €190.67 An Octagonal Whieldon Type Pottery PlateHavard And Havard
Fine 18th Centurt Worcester Tea Bowl£115 $148.25   €137.05 Fine 18th Centurt Worcester Tea BowlCarse Antiques And Restoration 18th Cent. Worcester Porcelain Tea Bowl£100 $128.91   €119.17 18th Cent. Worcester Porcelain Tea BowlCarse Antiques And Restoration 18th C Chinese Mandarin Tankard£160.00 $206.26   €190.67 18th C Chinese Mandarin TankardImperial Antiques Meissen Beaker C1735  Meissen Beaker C1735Agnes Fox Antiques
