1960s Antique Ceramics

Found 614 For Sale and Sold    ( 146 for sale  468 sold )  
Pair Of French Studio Pottery Vases  Pair Of French Studio Pottery VasesWillows Antiques & Interiors Pierrefonds Vases  Pierrefonds VasesWillows Antiques & Interiors Bitossi Bull Aldo Londi £595 $767.01   €709.06 Bitossi Bull Aldo Londi Newsum Antiques Gamla Stan Plaque£555 $715.45   €661.39 Gamla Stan PlaqueNewsum Antiques
Large Mid-century Blue Studio Pottery Vase  Large Mid-century Blue Studio Pottery VaseWillows Antiques & Interiors French Studio Pottery Vase   French Studio Pottery Vase Willows Antiques & Interiors French Studio Pottery Vase  French Studio Pottery VaseWillows Antiques & Interiors Wallendorf Ceramic Spice Storage Jars Teak Stand£40.00 $51.56   €47.67 Wallendorf Ceramic Spice Storage Jars Teak StandJohn Austin Antiques
Large Pottery Shell  Large Pottery ShellWillows Antiques & Interiors Vintage Royal Albert Brigadoon Fluted Gilted Tea Set£85.00 $109.57   €101.29 Vintage Royal Albert Brigadoon Fluted Gilted Tea SetMelbourne Antiques French Blue Studio Pottery Vase  French Blue Studio Pottery VaseWillows Antiques & Interiors French Blue Studio Pottery Vase   French Blue Studio Pottery Vase Willows Antiques & Interiors
Pair Of French Studio Pottery Vases   Pair Of French Studio Pottery Vases Willows Antiques & Interiors Jersey Pottery Cat   Jersey Pottery Cat Vladds Interiors 1960s Upsala Ekeby Ceramic Wall Plaque.  1960s Upsala Ekeby Ceramic Wall Plaque.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre French Studio Pottery Vases  French Studio Pottery VasesWillows Antiques & Interiors
Enid Seeney - Red 25cm Ridgway Homemaker Plate£375.00 $483.41   €446.89 Enid Seeney - Red 25cm Ridgway Homemaker PlateAlphabet Antiques French Abstract Pottery Jug  French Abstract Pottery JugWillows Antiques & Interiors Small Early Troika Wheel Vase   Small Early Troika Wheel Vase Bitsulike Edward Bawden  Carter Poole Pottery Fishing Tile£175.00 $225.59   €208.55 Edward Bawden Carter Poole Pottery Fishing TileAlphabet Antiques
Lindberg Grazia Vase£375 $483.41   €446.89 Lindberg Grazia VaseNewsum Antiques Royal Albert Gossamer Set Of  Six Tea And Cake Plates£38.00 $48.99   €45.28 Royal Albert Gossamer Set Of Six Tea And Cake PlatesMelbourne Antiques Large Famille Vert Vase   Large Famille Vert Vase Vladds Interiors Italian Ceramic Greyhound Statue£475 $612.32   €566.06 Italian Ceramic Greyhound StatueWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
Pair Of Elephant Plant Stands Or Garden Stools  Pair Of Elephant Plant Stands Or Garden StoolsVladds Interiors Large Lidded Jar, Famille Rose.  Large Lidded Jar, Famille Rose.Vladds Interiors Troika Cylindrical Vase By Marilyn Pascoe.   Troika Cylindrical Vase By Marilyn Pascoe. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Continental Gold And White Pierced Footed Rococo Bowl£45.00 $58.01   €53.63 Continental Gold And White Pierced Footed Rococo BowlMelbourne Antiques
