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Set Of Copper Pans

1 of 5
Set Of Copper Pans %%alt5%%
A good set of 5 late 19th c copper pans of heavy gauge(3mm) construction, with iron handles. Size marked 13 to 18cm. Interior tinning good condition. An excellent set of copper cooking pans with a lifetime of further use ahead, and a very attractive addition to Abby kitchen Dunkeld Antiques has been in business since 1986, operating out of premises in the village of Dunkeld in Perthshire, which had a stock of good antiques , out of print books and decorative items. Latterly we have moved online and now have a range of smaller items, currently a wide range of domestic and usable antique copper and related metalware.
£220.00  UK
$277.82  USA
266.75  EU
 The price has been listed in British Pounds.
Conversion rates as of 27/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
Always confirm final price with dealer.
Category Antique Kitchenalia Date 1890  Late 19th Century Antiques Material Copper Origin French Item code as1042a030 / Cp11 Status Sold

SellerDunkeld Antiques

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Dunkeld Antiques

Dunkeld AntiquesPrivate dealer
By appointment only
Near Perth
Perthshire, Scotland

Tel : 07713074932

Non UK callers : +44 7713074932
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Enquire directly to Dunkeld Antiques about this item here.

Set Of Copper Pans
as1042a030 / Cp11



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