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Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques
Tel : 01529469190
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Private dealer
By appointment only
Near Sleaford
Lincolnshire, England

Welcome Sylvie Collett - SewAntiques
I've specialised in antique sewing tools for over 20 years but also sell a wide range of small silver, porcelain, treen and glass including scent bottles.
I trade from Drill Hall Antiques Centre in Horncastle and also trade from Newark Antiques & Interiors, Kelham Road, Newark, Notts. A selection of my stock is always available at both these venues. Please ring if you need to confirm the location of a specific piece. I also exhibit at a number of quality antiques fairs during the year.
Telephone: 01529469190
Latest Items

Cranberry Glass Mary Gregory Vase

Wooden Snuff Shoe

Dutch Silver Knitting Stick

Late Georgian Boxwood Snuff Shoe

Edwardian Silver Pepperette

Palais Royal MoP Thimble C1820

Georgian Silver Wine Label Madeira 1796

French Silver Needle Case C1840

Georgian Silver Vinaigrette

Prisoner of War Straw Work Box

Novelty Champagne Bottle Tape Measure

English Silver Sewing Set C1840

Velvet & Cut Steel Beaded Bag

Tartanware Tatting Shuttle

Exeter Silver Sugar Tongs 1833

Victorian Enamel on Silver Buckle

Georgian Silver Sugar Tongs by Bateman

French Silver Thimble

Worcester Candle Snuffer Jenny Lind "Confidence"

Pierced Silver Bonbon dish 1916

Silver Sugar Caster 1921

Victorian Silver Sherry Decanter Label

Royal Worcester Tyrolean Hat Candle Snuffer

Edwardian Silver Buckle