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Tel. (00 44) 0 1565 874075
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The Barn, Oak Tree Farm, Knutsford Road,
Mobberley, Cheshire, WA16 7PU

19th Century Cream Skimmer Bags Of Character

A well detailed 19th century Brass Cream Skimmer. So much Character with this one. It has had a couple of repairs in its life. Can you imagine the old farmer with four or five cows, a small holding with four or five acres. Not much spare cash and one of the cows stands on the skimmer. The cow gets a wack because he cannot afford a new one and maybe there is not one available at short notice. He roots about in the shed and find a bit of brass and goes off to his pal the blacksmith. The skimmer is heated up and then they solder the pieces back together.After a bit of filing down, he can now skim that nice rich cream off the milk before it goes into the churn. All that for only £35.00. We can package and post for about £10 if requiredDescription
21 1/2 ins long, skimmer is just under 8 ins in diameterDimensions
19th CenturyDate
01565 874075Contact
£35  Price
Euro & Dollar conversion rates as of 5/MAR/2025
Always confirm final price with dealer

Cheapest one available that we can find. 
For SaleStatus

Seller's Details Limited EditionsSeller
The Barn, Oak Tree FarmAddress
Knutsford Road, Mobberley 
Knutsford, Cheshire 
WA16 7PU 
01565 874075Telephone

Contact Seller