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Nr Harrogate
North Yorkshire

Welcome to Paper Elephant...
Paper elephant is an online only business dealing in 20th Century limited edition prints, paintings and posters, primarily from the mid-century period.
Latest Items
Whitby Harbour. James Priddey
$160.21 €144.6
Female Nude. Sheila Oliner.
$153.8 €138.82
At The Mouth Of The Tay
$89.72 €80.98

Pembroke Castle. James Priddey

The House of the Black Kittens, Clovelly

A Greek village square. Norman C Jaques

Hull street scene 1950s. E D Johnson

Fisherman carrying a spar.

Lowestoft registered fishing boat

My baby's got rhythm. Madge Williams

Vintage birthday cards 1-9yrs.

Little lookout

Bumping boats

Attracted to buoys

Walkers Big Painting Book

Atlantic runner. Peter Max

Romance. Henri Levavasseur

Mevagissey harbour. Greville Irwin

Polperro. Greville Irwin

The evening drive homeward. William Gilbert Foster

Grenadiers at St. James Palace. Greville Irwin

The Rose Shawl. Arthur Rigden Read

Denmark, the country for your holiday. Hans Bendix

The Sloop Inn, St.Ives. J A Park

Kirkcaldy. Archibald Standish Hartrick

The Quay, St.Ives. H Harvey Clarke

The apple sellers. Percy Lancaster