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Number Twenty
Tel : 01983 761057 and 07930 478789
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20 The High Street
Isle of Wight PO41 OPL
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10am - 5pm.
Welcome to Number Twenty...
A stylish mix of high quality decorative antiques, nautical items, county-style pieces; engravings, maps and instruments.
Latest Items
Botanical Watercolour £195.00
$249.93 €225.58
Caithness Scotland Glass Paperweight, Razmatazz£65.00
$83.31 €75.19
Victorian Beaded Skirt Panel (mourning)£125.00
$160.21 €144.6
Vintage Taxidermy Dome w/ Swallowtail Butterflies
Silver Toast Racks (pair)
Cecil Aldin Limited Edition Hunting Prints (pair)
'Cupid Unveiling Venus'
Christy's Bowler Hat with Box
Mrs Carnac
'The Return from Inkermann'