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Northern Antiques - Northumberland
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For Sale
for sale
Found 71 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (49 Archived/Sold)
Bayonet Antique 19th Century French Sword Bayonet
$151.42 €144.06
Porcelain Plaque Portrait Beatrice Cenci
$782.32 €744.31
German Porcelain Plaque Henry Bucker Madonna Chil
$820.17 €780.33
Antique Pair Silk Work Pictures Framed 19th Cent
$277.6 €264.11
Rolex Watch Shop Counter Advertising Mirror Genuin
$883.26 €840.35
Pair Antique Table Lamps Black Toleware Cherubs
$618.28 €588.25
Sampler Victorian Needlework Picture 19th Century
$757.08 €720.3
Magic Lantern Slides Collection X 84 British Germa
$201.89 €192.08
Antique Cold Painted Bronze 11 Piece Cat Orchestra
$1703.43 €1620.68
Miniature Apprentice Piece Bureau Mahogany Satinwo
$618.28 €588.25
Royal Worcester Plate Antique C1902 Stinton
$504.72 €480.2
Cold Painted Spelter Figures Austrian Pr Arabesque Figures
$693.99 €660.28