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Desdemona Postlethwaite Antiques
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Private dealer
West Kirby
Open: By appointment only, plesae ring or email with all enquiries, we look forward to hearing from you.
For Sale
for sale
Found 50 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (303 Archived/Sold)
Bimini Liqueur Decanter Part Set By Fritz Lampl
$279.32 €269.39
Large Ruskin Matt Crystalline Glaze Vase 12 1/4"
$415.87 €401.1
Arts & Crafts /Art Nouveau Bookcase, Stained Glass
$490.35 €472.93
350g Hallmarked Solid Silver Pint Tankard 1940
$434.49 €419.06
English Silver & Enamel Atomizer / Perfume Bottle
$136.55 €131.7
English Silver & Cut Crystal Biscuit Barrel 1918
$260.69 €251.43
Lustre Bowl Alan Caiger Smith, Aldermaston Pottery
$415.87 €401.1
Henri Bargas, Art Deco Terracotta Sculpture
$490.35 €472.93
Della Robbia Birkenhead Vase Circa 1900
$682.77 €658.52
Crown Staffs F14522 Art Deco Chintz Tea Set
$93.11 €89.8
Kralik - Jugendstil / Art Nouveau Inkwell
$291.73 €281.37
Set Of Six Vintage Champagne Saucers Cut Crystal
$117.93 €113.74