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Collared Ferrett
Tel : 07539256709
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Private dealer
By appointment only
Near Halifax
West Yorkshire
Open by appointment only, please ring or email.

Welcome to Collared Ferrett...
Specialists in Early Oak Antique Furniture including Chests, Dressers, Tables, Chairs and Cupboards from the 17th to 18th century. We are by appointment only, please ring or email with all enquiries in the first instance. We look forward to hearing from you.
Telephone: 07539256709
Latest Items
Late 17th Century Oak Court Cupboard
$914.85 €866.1
Early 18th Century Red Walnut Side Chair
$91.49 €86.61
Early Oak Pegged Child's Chair
$121.98 €115.48

Antique Pottery Bohemian Beer Tankard

Regency Mahogany Side Chair

Very early elm and ash Windsor chair

17th century oak backstool

Jacobean oak serving table

Oak coffer c.1700

Carved oak backstool

Oak 17th century bible box

Pair of late 17th century oak backstools

Pair of oak late 17th century backstools

Late 17th Century Wainscot Chair with Inlay

Set of 6 period oak Queen Anne chairs