Christmas at Home

Found 1957 For Sale and Sold    ( 1347 for sale  610 sold )  
19th Century French Walnut Occasional Table£2800 $3469.2   €3363.08 19th Century French Walnut Occasional TableLee Wright Antiques And Interiors Pair Of Vintage Rosewood And Chrome Bedsides£1650 $2044.35   €1981.82 Pair Of Vintage Rosewood And Chrome BedsidesMarylebone Antiques Vintage Italian Leather Coronado Sofa And Stool£1250 $1548.75   €1501.38 Vintage Italian Leather Coronado Sofa And StoolMarylebone Antiques Pair Of Antique Mahogany Regency Style Tables£925 $1146.08   €1111.02 Pair Of Antique Mahogany Regency Style TablesMarylebone Antiques
French Empire Style Display Easel C.1860£895 $1108.91   €1074.98 French Empire Style Display Easel C.1860Collinge Antiques Set Of 8 Rush Seat Ladderback Dining Chairs C.1930£1195 $1480.61   €1435.31 Set Of 8 Rush Seat Ladderback Dining Chairs C.1930Collinge Antiques Brass Framed Panel Picture Of Joan Of Arc C.1930£425 $526.58   €510.47 Brass Framed Panel Picture Of Joan Of Arc C.1930Collinge Antiques Italian 15 Light Gilded Bronze Antique Chandelier  Italian 15 Light Gilded Bronze Antique ChandelierO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors
Vintage 1950s Solid Oak Sideboard£195 $241.61   €234.21 Vintage 1950's Solid Oak SideboardPeppermill Interiors French Pair Of Gilded Convex Half Lanterns  French Pair Of Gilded Convex Half LanternsO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors Antique Inlaid Figured Walnut Corner Whatnot£695 $861.11   €834.76 Antique Inlaid Figured Walnut Corner WhatnotUnique Antiques By Emma Jade  Antique Original Quality Oak Court Cupboard£3450 $4274.55   €4143.8 Antique Original Quality Oak Court CupboardLondon City Antiques
Antique Oak ‘Fireside Chair’ By Heals Of London  Antique Oak ‘Fireside Chair’ By Heals Of LondonMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Antique Regency Mahogany Sideboard£295 $365.51   €354.32 Antique Regency Mahogany SideboardNorbury Antiques Antique Victorian Mahogany Sideboard£295 $365.51   €354.32 Antique Victorian Mahogany SideboardNorbury Antiques Antique Victorian Mahogany Tea Side Table£295 $365.51   €354.32 Antique Victorian Mahogany Tea Side TableNorbury Antiques
Antique Victorian Mahogany Wardrobe£695 $861.11   €834.76 Antique Victorian Mahogany WardrobeNorbury Antiques Pair Of Victorian Light Blue Bohemian Vases£295 $365.51   €354.32 Pair Of Victorian Light Blue Bohemian VasesChurch Street Antiques Circle Of John Frederick Herring. Horse In Stable.£695 $861.11   €834.76 Circle Of John Frederick Herring. Horse In Stable.CJ Miller Antiques Mid-Century Silver Plate Drinks Tray, Viners£35 $43.37   €42.04 Mid-Century Silver Plate Drinks Tray, Viner'sBurnell And Rowe
Fine Quality Regency Rosewood Overmantle Mirror  Fine Quality Regency Rosewood Overmantle MirrorLVS Decorative Arts Victorian Silver Plate Sifter Spoon, C.1890s£15 $18.59   €18.02 Victorian Silver Plate Sifter Spoon, C.1890sBurnell And Rowe Lovely Quality Antique Edwardian Oak Tantalus£545 $675.26   €654.6 Lovely Quality Antique Edwardian Oak TantalusUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Outstanding Victorian Edwards And Roberts Table£1100 $1362.9   €1321.21 Outstanding Victorian Edwards And Roberts TableCloverleaf Home Interiors
Victorian Music Box, Circa 1875£1700 $2106.3   €2041.87 Victorian Music Box, Circa 1875Frank Craig Antiques Art Deco Walther & Sohne Glass Table Lamp£285 $353.12   €342.31 Art Deco Walther & Sohne Glass Table LampWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) French Empire Tripod Table C.1820£795 $985.01   €954.87 French Empire Tripod Table C.1820Collinge Antiques Small Sheraton Style Secretaire Bookcase C.1890£1895 $2347.91   €2276.08 Small Sheraton Style Secretaire Bookcase C.1890Collinge Antiques