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Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Proprietor: Alan Othick
Tel : 07769293827, Centre no. 01274 592103
Email :
Web :
2nd Floor, Salts Mill
Victorian Road, Saltaire
Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 3LA
Open: Open: Wednesday to Sunday 11am-4pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday..
Found 14 Archived/Sold items, displaying 1 to 12. (0 For Sale)
1974 MK2 Raleigh Chopper Bicycle.
SOLD Please contact for shipping costs and payment. PayPal not accepted.
Mid 20th Century Model Fairground Galloper.
SOLD Please contact for shipping details & costs.Paypal not accepted.
Vintage Dinky Toys 351 U.F.O Interceptor Boxed.
SOLD Please contact for shipping details & costs.Paypal not accepted. Payment by bank
Vintage Shop Counter Display Teddy Bear.
SOLD £350
SOLD $434.49 €419.06
Vintage Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck Clockwork Toy.
SOLD £375
SOLD $465.53 €448.99
Chad Valley Give A Show Projector Thunderbirds.
SOLD £150
SOLD $186.21 €179.6
Late Victorian Musical Automaton Doll.
SOLD £900
SOLD $1117.26 €1077.57
Late Victorian Dolls Chaise Longue.
SOLD £450
SOLD $558.63 €538.79
Late Victorian Mahogany Dolls Bed.
SOLD £450
SOLD $558.63 €538.79
Gebruder Knoch Doll.
SOLD £130
SOLD $161.38 €155.65
Armand Marseille Doll.
SOLD £320
SOLD $397.25 €383.14
Armand Marseille Doll.
SOLD £285
SOLD $353.8 €341.23