Mid 20th Century Model Fairground Galloper.

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This is a superb example of a model fairground Galloper ride made in the mid 20th century by an amateur builder in approximately 1:24 scale.This galloper is thought to be unusual in that it has ten banks of three horses abreast.Twelve banks of three would have been more commonplace.Other than the motors the mechanical components of the various geared mechanisms and a few decorative embellishments,everything has been made from scratch using a wide variety of materials such as paper card,plastic,brass and canvas.The horses are hand carved in wood and each horse is individually hand painted.The model employs four electro-mechanical functions an also benefits from an audio system.There is also working lighting and the organ comprises of a small loudspeaker which connects to a 3.5mm jack to use on a cd player or media player.The galloper motors are powered by a new transformer and a headphone amplifier for audio input.This has all been restored electrically by a qualified toy model engineer and restorer.There is a full overhaul history printed booklet by the restorer and a cd of organ music.Diameter is approximatley 59cm. Height - 27cm.
DateRetro Codeac058a1648 PricePlease contact for shipping details & costs.Paypal not accepted. StatusSold SellerCarlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Telephone07769293827Non UK callers :+44 7769293827 Emailcarltonantiques@outlook.com


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