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Behind the Black Door Antiques
Tel : 07767461167
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@ Hemswell Antique Centres
Caenby Corner Estate
Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough
DN21 5TJ

Welcome to Behind the Black Door Antiques...
We are located within Building 1 and the Guardroom, @ Hemswell Antique centre, this is where you’ll find our two pitches upstairs in the atrium and one cabinet (75) on the ground floor of Building one and a cabinet (118)in the Guardroom upstairs.
Everything we sell, has been purchased because we love, what we find on our travels, our collection is an east meets west mix, with more of an emphasis on the orient, ranging from furniture to small collectables, we also hold a range of items which can be purchased and viewed by appointment. It's also very easy to purchase via the website, don’t hesitate to contact us, if you’re looking for something special. we are normally available from 8am to 8pm everyday.
Latest Items

Chinese Wedding Basket

18th Century Large Chinese Spreading Cylindrical Mug

19th Century Chinese Patinated Bronze Boat Shaped Censor

19th Century Pair of Oil on Board Paintings

Napoleon III Upholstered Chair

Chinese Wood and Bamboo Wedding Basket

Chinese Hardwood Jardiniere Stand

Chinese Padouk Jardiniere

Hardwood Quartetto Nest of Tables

20th Century Carved Chinese Altar Table

Chinese Rectangular Jardiniere Stand

Pair of Chinese Heavy Temple Jars

A Royal Worcester Early 20th Century Hand Painted

A Royal Worcester Baluster Shaped Pot Pourri Vase

A Royal Worcester Vase

Chinese Apothecary