19th Century Antique Wood Carvings
Found 35 For Sale and Sold ( 7 for sale 28 sold )
$280.51 €268.9
Rare Naive Folk Art Norwegian Mangle Board D1833Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$492.45 €472.06
Early 19th Century Sycamore Butter CurlerElmgarden
$81.04 €77.68
A Continental Carved Bust Of An Old Man.Anthony House Antiques
$93.5 €89.63
Carved Elephant Parasol Handle C1900Baldwyn Antiques
$218.17 €209.14
Pair Of 19thC Flemish Wall Carvings. Alphington Antiques And Fine Art
$529.85 €507.92
Enormous 19th Century Elm Gingerbread MoldHobson May Collection
$83.53 €80.07
Gorgeous French Olive-Wood & Marquetry Watch CaseCarse Antiques
Impressive Welsh Love Spoon C1880 Lovespoon TreenWelsh Vernacular Antiques
$342.84 €328.65
An Early Nineteenth Century Knitting Sheath.Anthony House Antiques
$57.35 €54.97
V Clean Carved Oval FrameLimited Editions
$6919.19 €6632.81
A Large Pair Of 19th Century Black Forest Plaques Martlesham Antiques
$155.84 €149.39
Charming Treen Miniature BellowsLemon Tree Antiques
Edwardian Black Forest Limewood Antique Spill VaseMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Carved Black Forest Wall Hanging MatchstrikerGoodwin Antiques
$311.68 €298.78
Coquilla Nutmeg Grater, TreenRod Naylor Antiques
$168.3 €161.34
19th Century Carved Mahogany Wall PocketCarse Antiques
$218.17 €209.14
Rare Treen Miniature Hall Stick StandCarse Antiques
19th C. Victorian Wood Carving English Church PewDebra Clifford Antiques Devon
19th Century Carved Oak Wall Bracket, Medieval ManElmgarden
Perfect 19thC Welsh Scyamore Butter PrintWelsh Vernacular Furniture
$49.87 €47.8
Antique Wooden Printing BlockYore Antiques
Carved Horse / Equestrian Fruitwood Wall Bracket Puckerings Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
Carved Fruitwood Parrot Watch Stand.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$230.64 €221.09
A Pair Of Carved MermaidsHavard And Havard
A Pair Of 19th Century Carved Oak Wall Brackets, Elmgarden
$529.85 €507.92
Carving Stunning Walnut Victorian English C1850Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$367.78 €352.55
Folk Art Victorian Cork Model Of Dudley Castle Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$311.68 €298.78
Coquilla Nutmeg GraterRod Naylor Antiques