Antique Silver Plated Centrepieces

Found 83 For Sale and Sold    ( 16 for sale  67 sold )  
Edwardian Eperne, Circa 1905  Edwardian Eperne, Circa 1905Kingsdown Antiques Antique English Silver Plated Figural Nut Dish£265 $341.61   €315.8 Antique English Silver Plated Figural Nut DishPuckerings Antiques Arts & Crafts Silver Plated Tazza Fattorini & Sons  Arts & Crafts Silver Plated Tazza Fattorini & SonsPenrose Antiques Large Pierced Edge Silver Plated Centrepiece£145.00 $186.92   €172.8 Large Pierced Edge Silver Plated CentrepieceMelbourne Antiques
Cut Glass Continental Centrepiece, Circa 1920  Cut Glass Continental Centrepiece, Circa 1920Kingsdown Antiques Four Trumpet Epergne£95 $122.46   €113.21 Four Trumpet EpergneRobert Lunn Antiques Early 20th Century Silver Plate & Glass Tazza.£290 $373.84   €345.59 Early 20th Century Silver Plate & Glass Tazza.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Victorian Novelty Dinner Gong, Circa 1880  Victorian Novelty Dinner Gong, Circa 1880Kingsdown Antiques
Victorian Cut Glass And Silver Plated Centrepiece  Victorian Cut Glass And Silver Plated CentrepieceKingsdown Antiques Elkington Silver Plate Fruit Centerpiece - 1857£795 $1024.83   €947.4 Elkington Silver Plate Fruit Centerpiece - 1857Puckerings Antiques WMF Centrepiece£1175.00 $1514.69   €1400.25 WMF CentrepieceMoorview Antiques Silver Plated Epergne£115 $148.25   €137.05 Silver Plated EpergneAgnes Fox Antiques
Large And Impressive Epergne£295 $380.28   €351.55 Large And Impressive EpergneFernyhough Antiques Silver Plated Biscuit Basket  Silver Plated Biscuit BasketSunnyside Antiques Pair Of Antique Silver Plate And Glass Tazzas £1150 $1482.47   €1370.46 Pair Of Antique Silver Plate And Glass Tazzas Puckerings Antiques Antique English Silver Plated Covered Fruit Dish £595 $767.01   €709.06 Antique English Silver Plated Covered Fruit Dish Puckerings Antiques
Silver Plated And Cut Glass Table Centrepiece  Silver Plated And Cut Glass Table CentrepieceJohn Howkins Antiques Impressive Silver Plate Trumpet Shape Epergne£235.00 $302.94   €280.05 Impressive Silver Plate Trumpet Shape EpergneGoodwin Antiques Antique English Oak & Silver Plated Lazy Susan£1295 $1669.38   €1543.25 Antique English Oak & Silver Plated Lazy SusanPuckerings Antiques Magnificent Silver Plate CENTRE PIECE Signed "FAGEL"  Magnificent Silver Plate CENTRE PIECE Signed "FAGEL"Antiques At Leeds
W.M.F Centre Piece With Original Green Glass Bowls£1300 $1675.83   €1549.21 W.M.F Centre Piece With Original Green Glass BowlsCarlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Silver Plated Bon Bon Dish£68 $87.66   €81.04 Silver Plated Bon Bon DishHawthornes Antiques Victorian Silver Plate And Glass Epergn£175 $225.59   €208.55 Victorian Silver Plate And Glass EpergnFernyhough Antiques Stunning Silver Plated Centre Piece£595 $767.01   €709.06 Stunning Silver Plated Centre PieceFernyhough Antiques
Superb Silver Plated Centrepiece£545 $702.56   €649.48 Superb Silver Plated CentrepieceAgnes Fox Antiques 19th C Silver Plated Table Centre Piece£1750.00 $2255.93   €2085.48 19th C Silver Plated Table Centre PieceImperial Antiques Quality 19th C Silver Plated Centrepiece£1750.00 $2255.93   €2085.48 Quality 19th C Silver Plated CentrepieceImperial Antiques  