Victorian Antique Silver Plated
Found 1372 For Sale and Sold ( 242 for sale 1130 sold )
$449.06 €435.99
Crystal And Silver Plate Lemonade JugWillows Antiques & Interiors
$485.97 €471.83
Antique Carved Oak & Silver Plate Biscuit BoxPuckerings Antiques
$203 €197.09
Late Victorian Biscuit Barrel Box By John GrinsellWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques)
$609 €591.28
Fantastic Antique Victorian Cut Glass Claret Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$609 €591.28
Unusual Antique Victorian Glass Claret Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$461.36 €447.94
Very Large And Heavy French Silver Plated Wine TrayElmgarden
$707.42 €686.84
Christopher Dresser H & H Silver Plate DishArt Design Antique
$406 €394.19
Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Egg Cup StandArt Design Antique
$707.42 €686.84
Fantastic Victorian Cut Glass Decanters & Stand Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$516.73 €501.69
Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Twin Bowl Art Design Antique
$215.3 €209.04
Pair Of Art Nouveau Silver Plated Spill VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$572.09 €555.44
Stunning Quality Victorian Silver Plated Epergne Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$34.45 €33.45
Mother Of Pearl Caviar SpoonRod Naylor Antiques
$424.45 €412.1
Quality Pair Of Antique Silver Plated CandlesticksUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$184.55 €179.18
Victorian EPNS Meat Dome / ClocheSinclairs Antiques And Interiors
$92.27 €89.59
Victorian Silver Plated Wine FunnelJohn Howkins Antiques
$276.82 €268.76
Victorian 12 Set Fish Knives And ForksPaul Doran Antiques
$153.79 €149.31
Silver Entrée DishSunnyside Antiques
$338.33 €328.49
WMF Art Nouveau Green Glass Lined Silver Plated JugBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
$572.09 €555.44
Large Pair Of Quality Victorian Candlesticks Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
$104.58 €101.53
Plated Secessionist JarKadensek And Ward
$104.58 €101.53
Vintage Boxed Silver Fish ServersSunnyside Antiques
$485.97 €471.83
Pair Of Plated Presbyterian Church Wine Jugs C1865Paul Doran Antiques
$855.06 €830.18
Boardman & Glossop Table Cruet C.1895 Puckerings Antiques
$572.09 €555.44
Fantastic Quality Antique Silver Plated Tea TrayUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
$2829.69 €2747.35
Set Silver Plate & Glass Column Candlesticks C1860Puckerings Antiques
$301.42 €292.65
Silver Plated Engine Turned Biscuit Box Atkin BrosStudio RT Ltd
$430.61 €418.08
Victorian Silver Plate Three Arm CandleabraChurch Street Antiques