Mid 19th Century Antique Silver Plated

Found 371 For Sale and Sold    ( 81 for sale  290 sold )  
Antique 1800s Silver Plated Grape Scissors£39 $49.17   €46.91 Antique 1800s Silver Plated Grape ScissorsBeeches Vintage Antique Engraved Biscuit Barrel, Silver Plate£985 $1241.79   €1184.86 Antique Engraved Biscuit Barrel, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques Pr S/P Candlesticks Marquis Of Londondonderry£550.00 $693.39   €661.6 Pr S/P Candlesticks Marquis Of LondondonderryLemon Tree Antiques Fabulous Victorian Silver Plated Tea Urn  Fabulous Victorian Silver Plated Tea UrnKingsdown Antiques
Antique Silver Plated Wine Funnel  Antique Silver Plated Wine FunnelIn The Shepherds Hut Victorian Silver Plate Wine Bottle Stand£280 $353   €336.81 Victorian Silver Plate Wine Bottle StandChurch Street Antiques Lovely Victorian Sheffield Plated Wine Funnel  Lovely Victorian Sheffield Plated Wine FunnelKingsdown Antiques Nice Victorian Silver Plated Roll Over Butter Dish  Nice Victorian Silver Plated Roll Over Butter DishKingsdown Antiques
Victorian Etched Glass And Silver Plated Claret Jug£595 $750.12   €715.73 Victorian Etched Glass And Silver Plated Claret JugLondon City Antiques Good Pair Victorian Silver Plated Coasters£145 $182.8   €174.42 Good Pair Victorian Silver Plated CoastersCarse Antiques Superb Antique Oak Two Bottle Tantalus  Superb Antique Oak Two Bottle TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Large Antique Sheffield Silver Plate Gallery Tray£180.00 $226.93   €216.52 Large Antique Sheffield Silver Plate Gallery TrayLytham Antiques & Reclamation
Silver Plated, Turning Handle, Pepper Mill Grinder£160.00 $201.71   €192.46 Silver Plated, Turning Handle, Pepper Mill GrinderLytham Antiques & Reclamation Sheffield Plate, Petite Chamberstick£120.00 $151.28   €144.35 Sheffield Plate, Petite ChamberstickLytham Antiques & Reclamation Silver Plated Biscuit Box By George Sissons C.1870  Silver Plated Biscuit Box By George Sissons C.1870Puckerings Antiques Gorgeous Victorian Silver Plated Salver - 1856  Gorgeous Victorian Silver Plated Salver - 1856Kingsdown Antiques
Silver Plate Stag Inkwell Stand By James Deakin£275 $346.69   €330.8 Silver Plate Stag Inkwell Stand By James DeakinMarylebone Antiques Fabulous Victorian Silver Plate / Glass Biscuit Box   Fabulous Victorian Silver Plate / Glass Biscuit Box Kingsdown Antiques Stunning Victorian Silver Plated Serving Dish   Stunning Victorian Silver Plated Serving Dish Kingsdown Antiques Anyone For TOAST? Victorian Novelty Toast Rack£52 $65.56   €62.55 Anyone For TOAST? Victorian Novelty Toast RackThose Were The Days
 Grand Victorian Silver Plated Serving Dish  Grand Victorian Silver Plated Serving DishKingsdown Antiques Unusual Victorian Silver Plated Oyster Dish  Unusual Victorian Silver Plated Oyster DishKingsdown Antiques Lovely Pair Elkington Silver Plated Candlesticks   Lovely Pair Elkington Silver Plated Candlesticks Kingsdown Antiques Fabulous Pair Victorian Silver Plated Coasters £395 $497.98   €475.15 Fabulous Pair Victorian Silver Plated Coasters Kingsdown Antiques
Early Victorian Plated Meat Dome By Elkingtons£75 $94.55   €90.22 Early Victorian Plated Meat Dome By ElkingtonsChapman Antiques Fabulous Georgian Sugar Bowl - Circa 1820  Fabulous Georgian Sugar Bowl - Circa 1820Kingsdown Antiques Egg Cruet - Equestrian / Horses / Jockey C.1865  Egg Cruet - Equestrian / Horses / Jockey C.1865Puckerings Antiques Fabulous Victorian Silver Plated Food Cover  Fabulous Victorian Silver Plated Food CoverKingsdown Antiques