19th Century Antique Silver Plated

Found 1483 For Sale and Sold    ( 263 for sale  1220 sold )  
Victorian Salt And Pepper Shakers  Victorian Salt And Pepper ShakersWillows Antiques & Interiors Victorian Castle Condiment Set   Victorian Castle Condiment Set Willows Antiques & Interiors Late 19th / Early 20th C. Silver Plate Mustard Pot£30 $38.67   €35.75 Late 19th / Early 20th C. Silver Plate Mustard PotBurnell And Rowe Antique Silver Plate Hot Water Warmer.£395 $509.19   €470.72 Antique Silver Plate Hot Water Warmer.Antiques & Chic
Superb Quality Victorian Etched Glass Claret Jug £465 $599.43   €554.14 Superb Quality Victorian Etched Glass Claret Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade 19th Century Old Sheffield Plate Egg Cruet  19th Century Old Sheffield Plate Egg CruetWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Victorian Silver Plate Chamberstick, 1840s/50s£25 $32.23   €29.79 Victorian Silver Plate Chamberstick, 1840s/50sBurnell And Rowe Victorian Silver Plate Hot Water Jug, Mappin Bros.£25 $32.23   €29.79 Victorian Silver Plate Hot Water Jug, Mappin Bros.Burnell And Rowe
Fantastic Quality Victorian Biscuit Barrel £485 $625.21   €577.97 Fantastic Quality Victorian Biscuit Barrel Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Fine Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated Candlesticks£480 $618.77   €572.02 Fine Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated CandlesticksChurch Street Antiques WMF Jugendstil Enamel & Silver Plate Vase  WMF Jugendstil Enamel & Silver Plate VaseLevels Antiques Fine Large Victorian Silver Plate Galleried Tray   Fine Large Victorian Silver Plate Galleried Tray Prometheus Antiques
Victorian Silver Plated Punch Bowl Set£295 $380.28   €351.55 Victorian Silver Plated Punch Bowl SetCarse Antiques Edwardian Four Piece EPNS Tea Set  Edwardian Four Piece EPNS Tea SetSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Large  Silver Plated Hip Flask Walker & Hall£220 $283.6   €262.17 Large Silver Plated Hip Flask Walker & HallWilliam Rand Antiques (formerly Osbourne Antiques) Christopher Dresser Arts And Crafts Tea Kettle£295 $380.28   €351.55 Christopher Dresser Arts And Crafts Tea KettleThe Two Arthurs
WMF Art Nouveau Secessionist Candlesticks H. Levin£495 $638.1   €589.89 WMF Art Nouveau Secessionist Candlesticks H. LevinThe Two Arthurs Superb Quality Antique Victorian Claret Jug £525 $676.78   €625.64 Superb Quality Antique Victorian Claret Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated Candlesticks £420 $541.42   €500.51 Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated Candlesticks Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Victorian Quality Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel £295 $380.28   €351.55 Victorian Quality Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Tea Caddy £385 $496.3   €458.8 Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Tea Caddy Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Large Antique Silver Plated Ornate Tea Tray £485 $625.21   €577.97 Large Antique Silver Plated Ornate Tea Tray Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Grand Large Victorian Square Footed Salver / Tray   Grand Large Victorian Square Footed Salver / Tray Puckerings Antiques Victorian Silver Plated 5 Piece Tea Coffee Service£295 $380.28   €351.55 Victorian Silver Plated 5 Piece Tea Coffee ServiceHodgson Antiques And Interiors
Large Mahogany & Silver Gallery Drinks Tray£195 $251.37   €232.38 Large Mahogany & Silver Gallery Drinks TrayHodgson Antiques And Interiors Oak & Silver Gallery Drinks Tray By John Grinsell£275 $354.5   €327.72 Oak & Silver Gallery Drinks Tray By John GrinsellHodgson Antiques And Interiors Victorian Silver Plate Teapot, R. Stewart, Glasgow£35 $45.12   €41.71 Victorian Silver Plate Teapot, R. Stewart, GlasgowBurnell And Rowe Antique Fruit Bowl, English, Oak, Silver Plate£795 $1024.83   €947.4 Antique Fruit Bowl, English, Oak, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques