Early 20th Century Old Railway Signs
Found 47 For Sale and Sold ( 13 for sale 34 sold )
$230.64 €221.09
Southern Railway Smoking Strictly ProhibitedRecess Antiques
$492.45 €472.06
Midland Railway Fire Bucket Enamel NoticeRecess Antiques
$174.54 €167.31
L&NW & GW Joint Lines Bridge Plate Number 5Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
London Midland & Scottish Railway Bridge Plate 69Recess Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
GWR "Ladies Room" DoorplateRecess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
London Midland & Scottish Railway Viaduct Plate 5Recess Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
GWR Doorplate PRIVATERecess Antiques
$492.45 €472.06
GWR Cast Iron Signal Box Door PlateRecess Antiques
$529.85 €507.92
Early 20th Century Enamel Railway Sign. Michael Allcroft Antiques
$991.13 €950.1
Rare & Early Enamel Railway Station Lavatory SignDoe And Hope
$1863.82 €1786.67
London & North Eastern Railway, LNER, SignTwojays Corner Antiques
$554.78 €531.82
L & N E R Wooden Railway SignElmgarden
$218.17 €209.14
Great Western Railway, GWR, Cast Iron Notice Twojays Corner Antiques
$162.07 €155.36
LMS Bridge Plate Number 4Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
London Midland & Scottish Railway Bridge Plate 44Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
GNR(I) Bridge Plate 10Recess Antiques
$230.64 €221.09
Cheshire Lines Committee Bridge Plate '51'Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
LMS Bridgeplate "9" Cast IronRecess Antiques
$280.51 €268.9
GWR Booking Office DoorplateRecess Antiques
London Underground Aldersgate & Barbican RoundelUniqueitemsGB
1930s London Underground Destination Plate Enamel UniqueitemsGB
$149.6 €143.41
LMS Bridge Plate No. 72Recess Antiques
$243.11 €233.04
C. L. Ry Cheshire Lines Railway BridgePlate No 122Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 63Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 42Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
L&NWR Co Bridge Plate Number 18Recess Antiques
$149.6 €143.41
LSWR "Penalty For Not Shutting Gate £2" SignRecess Antiques
$492.45 €472.06
GWR Locomotive Cab NoticeRecess Antiques