French Musical Antiques
Found 10 For Sale and Sold ( 1 for sale 9 sold )
$5568.75 €5420.25
French Violins 4/4 Cased With 4 Bows.Sovereign Antiques
$5259.38 €5119.13
Erard Baby Grand PianoSnooty Fox Antiques
$204.19 €198.74
Walnut MetronomeWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Cylinder Musical Box By L'EpeeJill And Stephen Kember Decorative Antiques
$117.56 €114.43
Mahogany Clockwork Metronome Marllzel FranceMelbourne Antiques
$983.81 €957.58
Bisk Porcelain Automaton Musical BustRobert Belcher Antiques
A Pair Of French Military Snare DrumsElmgarden
$612.56 €596.23
C.1920 French Jazz Drum Elie Dupeyrat, DordogneDoe And Hope
$184.39 €179.47
French HornAfonwen Antique Centre
$136.13 €132.5
Mahogany MetronomeWorboys Antiques And Clocks