Mid 20th Century Antique Mirrors

Found 640 For Sale and Sold    ( 115 for sale  525 sold )  
Heals Convex Mirror With Bobbins  Heals Convex Mirror With BobbinsArt Furniture Vintage French Sunburst Mirror£350 $451.19   €417.1 Vintage French Sunburst MirrorThe Vintage Trader A Pair Of Large Etched Glass Pub Mirrors  A Pair Of Large Etched Glass Pub MirrorsElmgarden Art Deco Style Wall Mirrors C.1950.£495 $638.1   €589.89 Art Deco Style Wall Mirrors C.1950.Collinge Antiques
Art Deco Wall Mirror C.1930.£375 $483.41   €446.89 Art Deco Wall Mirror C.1930.Collinge Antiques French Pair Of Gilded Antique Girandoles  French Pair Of Gilded Antique GirandolesO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors 3 Large French Marine Life Mirrors£1250 $1611.38   €1489.63 3 Large French Marine Life MirrorsTribalism To Modernism 1930s Oak Military Mirror By Gordon Russell  1930's Oak Military Mirror By Gordon RussellMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Art Nouveau Gilt Mirror C.1930.£495 $638.1   €589.89 Art Nouveau Gilt Mirror C.1930.Collinge Antiques Vintage Belgium Giltwood Sunburst Mirror  Vintage Belgium Giltwood Sunburst MirrorThe Vintage Trader Large Art Deco Period Overmantle Mrror C.1930£295 $380.28   €351.55 Large Art Deco Period Overmantle Mrror C.1930Collinge Antiques Decorative Ventian Style Wall Mirror£325.00 $418.96   €387.3 Decorative Ventian Style Wall MirrorHavard And Havard
Walnut 1930’s Dressing Mirror  Walnut 1930’s Dressing MirrorHingstons Antiques Of Wilton Italian Pair Giltwood Candle Girandoles  Italian Pair Giltwood Candle GirandolesO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors Early 20th.c. Queen Anne Style Wall Mirror C.1930£195 $251.37   €232.38 Early 20th.c. Queen Anne Style Wall Mirror C.1930Collinge Antiques Venetian Mirror  Venetian MirrorNormandie Antiquites
Art Deco Hand Mirror Solid Silver Guilloche Enamel  Art Deco Hand Mirror Solid Silver Guilloche EnamelDesdemona Postlethwaite Antiques Vintage Painted Cheval Mirror £195 $251.37   €232.38 Vintage Painted Cheval Mirror Worboys Antiques And Clocks Octagonal Oak Framed Mirror Or Overmantle  Octagonal Oak Framed Mirror Or OvermantleAntique Furniture Direct 1950s French Carved Gilt-wood Sunburst Mirror   1950s French Carved Gilt-wood Sunburst Mirror The Vintage Trader
Chinese Chippendale Style Gilt Framed Wall Mirror  Chinese Chippendale Style Gilt Framed Wall MirrorShackladys Antiques Tall Oak Bedroom Mirror Or Hall Mirror  Tall Oak Bedroom Mirror Or Hall MirrorAntique Furniture Direct Tall Cheval Swing Mirror  Tall Cheval Swing MirrorAntique Furniture Direct Large Baroque Style Giltwood Wall Mirror  Large Baroque Style Giltwood Wall MirrorShackladys Antiques
Vintage Painted Window Mirror   Vintage Painted Window Mirror Eras Of Style Very Large Pair Of Gilt Framed Wall Mirrors  Very Large Pair Of Gilt Framed Wall MirrorsShackladys Antiques Large Antique Gilt Framed Bevelled Mirror£250 $322.28   €297.93 Large Antique Gilt Framed Bevelled MirrorMarylebone Antiques Mid-century Heavy Good Quality Mirror  Mid-century Heavy Good Quality MirrorKadensek And Ward