Victorian Medical Antiques

Found 96 For Sale and Sold    ( 20 for sale  76 sold )  
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Sir German Sims Woodhead MD 1895 Diphtheria Report£125 $155.08   €149.98 Sir German Sims Woodhead MD 1895 Diphtheria ReportAlan Eady Antiques Victorian Chemist Carboys Or Apothecary Jars  Victorian Chemist Carboys Or Apothecary JarsJason Clarke Antiques 1880s Victorian Ironstone Invalid Feeder Pap Boat  1880's Victorian Ironstone Invalid Feeder Pap BoatDebra Clifford Antiques Devon 1890 Victorian Ironstone Ladies Spitoon Mug & Lid  1890 Victorian Ironstone Ladies Spitoon Mug & LidDebra Clifford Antiques Devon
1890s Victorian Ladies Spitoon, Cuspidor Mask Jug  1890's Victorian Ladies Spitoon, Cuspidor Mask JugDebra Clifford Antiques Devon Set Of Three 19th Century Apothecary Jars  Set Of Three 19th Century Apothecary JarsBridgend Antiques Victorian Brass Medical Suppository Mould£35 $43.42   €41.99 Victorian Brass Medical Suppository MouldPark Lane Antiques 19th C Apothecary Jars  19th C Apothecary JarsBridgend Antiques
Antique Fleam With 3 Blades And Bovine Handle.£45.00 $55.83   €53.99 Antique Fleam With 3 Blades And Bovine Handle.Park Lane Antiques Late Victorian French Cased Medical Cupping Set  Late Victorian French Cased Medical Cupping SetJason Clarke Antiques Collection Of 19th C Antique Apothecary Bottles£265 $328.76   €317.95 Collection Of 19th C Antique Apothecary BottlesFrogabilia Late Victorian Childs Polio Leg Brace £1 $1.24   €1.2 Late Victorian Childs Polio Leg Brace Smiths Vintage
12 Mid-Victorian Apothecary Jars  12 Mid-Victorian Apothecary JarsKadensek And Ward  Cased Down Brothers Surgeons Instruments C.1890  Cased Down Brothers Surgeons Instruments C.1890Puckerings Antiques Two Victorian Original Glass Apothecary Bottles£85 $105.45   €101.98 Two Victorian Original Glass Apothecary BottlesTerrier Antiques Two Victorian Original Glass Apothecary Bottles£90 $111.65   €107.98 Two Victorian Original Glass Apothecary BottlesTerrier Antiques
Antique Victorian Apothecary Bottle With Stopper£48.00 $59.55   €57.59 Antique Victorian Apothecary Bottle With StopperYore Antiques Victorian Apothecary Jars  Victorian Apothecary JarsKadensek And Ward 19th C. Campaign Surgeons Box  19th C. Campaign Surgeons BoxJohn Howkins Antiques 9 Late 19th.c. Apothecary Bottles C.1880.£295 $365.98   €353.94 9 Late 19th.c. Apothecary Bottles C.1880.Collinge Antiques
Set Of Four Late 18th.c. Apothecary Bottles C.1790£1495 $1854.7   €1793.7 Set Of Four Late 18th.c. Apothecary Bottles C.1790Collinge Antiques 19th.c. Apothecary Jars £395 $490.04   €473.92 19th.c. Apothecary Jars Collinge Antiques French Apothacary Jars£895 $1110.34   €1073.82 French Apothacary JarsWitch Antiques Victorian Amethyst Apothecary Storage Bottles  Victorian Amethyst Apothecary Storage BottlesHawthornes Antiques
A Rare 19thC Infant Death Mask In A Glass Dome  A Rare 19thC Infant Death Mask In A Glass DomeHawthornes Antiques Three Apothecary Bottles  Three Apothecary BottlesNethermill Antiques Trio Of C.1870s Glass Apothecary Bottles£145.00 $179.89   €173.97 Trio Of C.1870s Glass Apothecary BottlesDoe And Hope Quartet Of Graduating C1895 Apothecary Bottles£155.00 $192.29   €185.97 Quartet Of Graduating C1895 Apothecary BottlesDoe And Hope
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