19th Century Antique Ceiling Bowls
Found 7 For Sale and Sold ( 2 for sale 5 sold )
$703.78 €664.46
Arts And Crafts Opalescent Ceiling Bowl LampshadeElmgarden
$563.02 €531.56
Holophane Ceiling LightArt Furniture
Frosted Bowl Ceiling LightArt Furniture
$1119.65 €1057.09
Antique Hanging Lamp, English, Copper, ElectricLondon Fine Antiques
$633.4 €598.01
Superb Antique Cut Glass Hanging Ceiling LightRams Head Antiques
$889.32 €839.63
Antique Gas Lamp, Converted For Modern Home,c.1880London Fine Antiques
$761.36 €718.82
Edwardian Hanging Light C.1905.Collinge Antiques