Wood Campaign Boxes
Found 12 For Sale and Sold ( 3 for sale 9 sold )
$243.11 €233.04
Georgian Irish Pewter & Treen Campaign Shaving BoxHarrington Antiques
$2237.83 €2145.2
Antique Campaign Cellarette, English, ColonialLondon Fine Antiques
$1184.37 €1135.35
Victorian Officers Campaign Writing Box Sovereign Antiques
$1228 €1177.17
Antique Campaign Writing Box, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$2985.85 €2862.26
Antique Campaign Correspondence Box, Indian, C1820London Fine Antiques
$398.94 €382.43
Brass Bound Travel TrunkJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative
18th Cent Iron Banded Traveling Silver Sea ChestElmgarden
19th Century Wooden Thermos Field Kitchen Food WarElmgarden
$224.41 €215.12
19th Century Military Travel TrunkWoodys Antiques
$741.79 €711.08
English Brass Bound Rosewood Desk Box C.1840Puckerings Antiques
$1614.48 €1547.65
Antique English Cut Brass Inlaid Rosewood Box Puckerings Antiques
$286.74 €274.87
Oriental Box On WheelsBaildon Furniture Company Ltd