19th Century Campaign Boxes
Found 304 For Sale and Sold ( 59 for sale 245 sold )
$984.89 €944.13
C19h Hardwood Zanzibar ChestJonathan Drake Antique And Decorative
$741.79 €711.08
French Campaign Carriage Clock 15 Day MovementThe Clock Barn
$810.36 €776.82
Victorian Document / Stationery Box, Circa 1875Frank Craig Antiques
$1028.53 €985.96
Lovely Victorian, Solid Camphorwood Campaign TrunkThe Dorking Desk Shop
$935.03 €896.33
VIP Stationery/campaign Box, Circa 1850Frank Craig Antiques
$1059.7 €1015.84
Military Camphor Wood TrunkMillers Antiques Of Wooler
$280.51 €268.9
Campaign Writing Slope Stationery Lap Desk BoxHashtag Curios
$1558.38 €1493.88
French Elm Cannon Ball Box With Iron BandsElmgarden
$866.46 €830.59
Antique Asian Chinese Victorian Camphor Wood ChestYola Gray Antiques
$860.22 €824.62
Hill & Millard Campaign Leather Jewellery Box & BoxBrook Antiques & Collectables
$1178.13 €1129.37
Chinese Victorian Camphor Wood Campaign Chest 1870Yola Gray Antiques
$928.79 €890.35
Beautiful David Edwards Campaign Writing SlopePuma And Bear, London
$2113.16 €2025.69
Antique Military Trunk, English, Camphorwood ChestLondon Fine Antiques
$1614.48 €1547.65
Antique Correspondence Box, Ceylon, EbonyLondon Fine Antiques
$935.03 €896.33
Campaign Correspondence Box, Circa 1875Frank Craig Antiques
$935.03 €896.33
English Regency Rosewood Desk / Jewellery BoxPuckerings Antiques
$1059.7 €1015.84
Large Military Style Mahogany TrunkLT Antiques
$430.11 €412.31
Antique Regency Mahogany And Brass Jewellery BoxRoger Thorley Antiques - Restorations
$1184.37 €1135.35
Burr Walnut And Brass Campaign Writing Box By MAPPIN & WEBBHarveys Antiques
$1863.82 €1786.67
Antique Campaign Writing Slope, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques
$2113.16 €2025.69
Antique Officer's Campaign Correspondence BoxLondon Fine Antiques
$804.12 €770.84
Military Campaign Writing Box / SlopeSunnyside Antiques
$1115.8 €1069.61
Antique Travelling Jewellery Box, Chinese, LacquerLondon Fine Antiques
$1614.48 €1547.65
English Country House Or Ships Oak Strong Box Robert Belcher Antiques
$218.17 €209.14
Lovely Victorian Burr Walnut Box The Dorking Desk Shop
$3054.42 €2928
Antique Gentleman's Cigar Humidor, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
$561.02 €537.8
Campaign Correspondence Box, Circa 1860Frank Craig Antiques
$604.65 €579.62
A 19th Century Brass Bound Campaign Chest, SecretsElmgarden